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Am I just cursed in my life?? (rant)

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I love my car (1986 Monte Carlo SS with t-tops)

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I love this car, but it's drainiing my wallet. I swear I take it to my mechanic every month. I've had it for 4 years now and it's been my dream car since 7th grade and I'm not selling it at all.


My job: It doesn't pay well at all and I've been at my workplace for 2 years.


My love life: non-existant.


My tech school certification: I went to audio engineering school for 9 months and spent 13 grand and I still don't have a job in my field.


Bills: Too many of these, very little money


I just wanted to get this off of my chest. I'm so depressed and lost.


I'm so lost on what to do and it's so depressing.

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I know what you mean about bills getting you down. There are few things more stressful than owing money and not making enough to pay bills.


You mentioned that your current job isn't paying enough. Can you get a second job? If the car really means that much to you to the point that you are unwilling to get rid of it, maybe working a second part-time job for a year straight, just to catch up on bills, is a good idea.


A bad trap to fall into is thinking that you're life is cursed, or that you're just having bad luck. It creates a victim mentality and a sense of hopelessness to think that you can't control your own life. You can. But you have to make sacrifices until you are in a better place to afford the things you really want. Would it be so bad to own your dream car after you get a job in your field, and after you're caught up on your bills? Maybe then you could enjoy owning it a lot more without debt hanging over you.


Also, is it possible to volunteer in your field just to get experience? There might be non-profits that could use your help. It may seem like a bad thing that you don't have a girlfriend right now, but it at least leaves you a lot of free time to explore who you are, get some experience in your field, etc.

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