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head engaged?


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I think my baby's head may have engaged. I'm almost 36 weeks. Here's why I think that:


-my rib pain that's been making me miserable for the last few weeks has suddenly disappeared. (Woohoo!)

-I'm having less trouble breathing.

-The shape of my belly doesn't seem drastically different, but it might be a bit lower.


Is there any chance that the baby has dropped? And if so, could this mean an increased probability that it will come early or at least on time? Or is this just wishful thinking?

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It does sound like the baby has shifted around and is now head down in about the right place.


There should be a noticeable change in the location of your bump when your baby well and truly drops.


Your baby may also be getting a little less active as she or he runs out of room to move.

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He's not less active. He never sleeps. I read online that he's supposed to sleep for 1/2 hour, then play for 1/2, etc.. But it seems to me that he's awake alot more than he's asleep. He does seem to be running out of room, though. No more flips or soumersaults, just kicks, punches and head-bunts.

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It could very well be that the the baby has moved down.


My doc told me that when the head descends down- your tummy actually goes down a tiny bit and you may feel less pressure in your ribs. It seems like that's what is happening in your case.


Your doctor/midwife should be able to feel your tummy and confirm if that's what is going on.


No more flips or soumersaults, just kicks, punches and head-bunts.


Yeah- it gets crowded in there for them.... and then they become ready to say "Hi world!!!!!"


You seem pretty in tune with your body so I bet you're right....



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I was just thinking too, some ladies to show a very marked drop when closer to delivery, others seem to have almost no change.


Our little guy was very active late into the evening and night. He was the same when born. In fact, he wasn't even still when he nursed, legs and arms always going. He stopped getting changed on a change table and we reverted to the floor for safety reasons far earlier than I've ever heard of before. Sounds like you're in for a very active baby too.

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Yes, thanks for asking. I'm planning to give birth at home and use a TENS machine and sterile water injections for pain relief.


Did you end up using anything for the pain?


Yeah, I got an epidural. I heard that labor gets more intense if you have to be induced with pitocin, which I was. I made it 10 hours before I finally got it though and I'm very happy I did.


I pretty much stopped dialating at 3 1/2 and they said meds sometimes help you relax and then your body is able to finish dialating, which mine did. I was able to relax and rest and was actually cracking jokes between contractions in the "pushing" stage. I could still feel everything though, just much less pain.


It also didn't seem to have any negative effects on him whatsoever, he was wide awake and I was able to nurse immediately.


Good luck to you! I kinda wish I went into labor naturally so maybe I could have been able to brag about a no-meds birth.

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I kinda wish I went into labor naturally so maybe I could have been able to brag about a no-meds birth.


Heavens ... you can all brag about how you just gave birth (or are going to) in the first place! It's a monumental achievement in itself.

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Yeah, you're so strong, BTR. You've been through alot over the past few months and you have so much to be proud of.


I'm totally keeping the option of pain meds open. If I decide I want them, it's just a 5 minute ride to the hospital.


Kinda what I have in mind. I want to have a natural childbirth in the sense that I aspire to do so without meds, BUT... if I'm in excrutiating pain at 6 or 7 cm, I'm going for the epidural. Also, if, like BTR, I don't progress in dilating, I imagine I will consider the need more closely. I think it's healthy to keep options open. There are best-case scenarios and then, there's reality. Sometimes, the two overlap. But when they don't, it's not a big deal. Same thing with breastfeeding. I am going to give the effort my absolute all.


Off-topic, I frankly have not been busting out of my bra (so I hope I will be able to breastfeed - not a small size, but a C, just haven't noticed a tremendous amount of growth - still wearing the same bra, but filling it up quite a bit and definitely have cleavage now) - I think all I have is some extra chub and some blue veins that are feeding the flesh more than before. I even have the blue veins in my abdomen coming in from the sides. They are NOT varicose veins, not at all, but just my vascularity becoming more obvious as the baby's needs grow.

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Off-topic, I frankly have not been busting out of my bra (so I hope I will be able to breastfeed - not a small size, but a C, just haven't noticed a tremendous amount of growth.


M. didn't grow much, she's a small A to begin with and didn't need anything bigger than an A either during pregnancy or after and she was able to breastfeed. I'd suspect that you won't have an issue, I don't think it's really related to how much you grow during pregnancy.

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That's good to know. I just sometimes wonder ... would you believe I know more women that "could not" breastfeed than those who could?!


As for the head being engaged, Hazey, have you had any appt.s with the midwife to confirm? Is the baby moving as much now that it has dropped? And how have you felt?

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That's good to know. I just sometimes wonder ... would you believe I know more women that "could not" breastfeed than those who could?!


As for the head being engaged, Hazey, have you had any appt.s with the midwife to confirm? Is the baby moving as much now that it has dropped? And how have you felt?


I see my midwife on Thursday. Baby definitely moves less recently since he's started running out of room. Well, he probably moves as often, but it's just little kicks and punches. And I feel much better - less rib pain and breathlessness. My only complaint at this point is my hands. For some reason, they ache when I get up in the morning. It's not exactly painful but they are so tender I can hardly move them. My doctor said it's likely because of the swelling in my wrists which cuts off the blood flow to my hands. Pretty freaky stuff! Oh, and my belly has shifted down and out - so it's sticking way out in front of me. I'll have to get pictures on the computer. It's so cute.

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Not long now, Hazey!!! I do want to see a pic or two. My baby is getting hard... I mean her little heel bone is really getting nice and firm and I can really tell what orientation she is in now, fortunately head down. Sometimes, I can rub her foot and she will push harder on my stomach. I think she must like the attention.


As for your hands, do your feet swell too? Are they visibly swollen? You always hear about swelling LATE in pregnancy. Did you have any swelling before now?

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