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Is it worth my time to confront an immature person

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Here is my dilemma....Well over the weekend I went to a party for a very close friend who is getting married over the summer. His fiance has this cousin who has a very strong, in your face, funny, sarcastic, and craves attention personality, whom my friend has a strong friendship with. I thought i had a good relationship with this person too, as we joked and talked when we were around each other. Well apparently he was talking with a group of my friends and the groom, and saying some things about my girlfriend like, i must only be with her because she is having sex with me. Now i dont know if this guy was saying this to be funny, or just basically degrading my gf, either way it was rude. He doesnt know anything about her or my relationship with her seeing as though he just met her. My gf didnt hear any of this talk, which is good because i dont want her feelings hurt.


I didnt say anything at the time because I am not a very confrontational type person and a lot of times i just let people say whatever they want, as i will always no the real truth and just let them be ignorant. Confrontation with people like this is just a waste of my time plus I didnt want to cause any problems for my friends wedding either. I could use some friendly advice in if i did the right thing or if i should have confronted this person? I appreciate your time for listening to me.

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