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How do I show them I'm interested?


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I've been trying to meet women at school. I've met many, but nothing happens after. For example, I may see one that I like so I sit next to her and eventually I get into a conversation with her. After a week or two, I'll ask for her number and suggest that we study together some time. I almost always get their number and we may even meet up. But, nothing happens after. One girl I met up with a few weeks ago, after we studied together it's like she sees me only as a friend. Does anyone see problems with my approach or some things that I can do or add in to advance things more? Thanks a lot everyone.

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I agree with kellbell, maybe try changing your strategy to ask them out on a real date first. or maybe you just haven't met the right girl yet? I think it is really awesome that you've gone out on a limb and asked these girls for study dates, totally a step in the right direction.


What are you talking about on the study dates? do you get a little flirty, or is it all school talk?

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I would ask them for the number sooner, but I keep reading that it's better to take some time in a school environment. The last time we met up, school stuff were the only things that we discussed. I'm trying to work on my flirting skills, what would you suggest? Would complimenting be a good start? If a guy were to ask you to study, would it occurr to you that he's intrested or would you think he just wants to study? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions lol

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I think the key is transitioning the study date into an actual date on the same day, instead of trying to separate the two. If a guy asked me to study together, but did nothing but flirt instead of doing schoolwork, I'd be quite irritated (unless the attraction was so strong that I didn't intend to study in the first place). So I'd say stick to school topics for a while, but then start to goof off -- it's so natural to do that! A good way to do things (I think) is to schedule the study date right before dinner time. Then you get to study for a while and once dinner time rolls around, you can ask her to have dinner together (I don't mean a romantic dinner with candles, of course...but just a place where students tend to eat in groups).

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You have to come on a bit stronger if you want to be cosidered as 'dateable material'. Get her number the first time you talk and signal your interest at once, albeit in a subtle manner. If you take your time and talk about books only, you will only confuse the girl and she will believe that you genuinely want to study only and that you don't find her attractive. That will get you relegated to her 'just friends' list.

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yeah, i think your approach is too 'friendly'. they may be thinking you are someone just to study with. don't end up being 'that guy' in school. women should be easy to ask out at school. it is the perfect place. women are in a mode to study, do homework etc. when they get that question, they get flattered and caught off guard. what you need to do is sit down by one reading a book or something and ask what they are reading about. don't ask them to study with you. just strike up a conversation about something other than school if possible. you can start off with school, but you need to stray from the topic. you both already know about school, i mean, you are both there right?



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Thanks again guys, I'll make these changes to my approach and hopefully I'll get a different result sometimes. The way my schedule is, I have each subject once a week. thereforeeee I usually meet one say this week, then I end up asking for the number to study together the next week at the latest. Does anyone see a problem with how soon I get the number? I get the impression from the other posts that I shouldn't really wait and get to know them before I ask for their number like I thought. What do you think? Thanks again for all the help, I really appreciate it.

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there is not set time to ask for a number. if you are feeling the girl and you think she is digging you, ask for it.



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