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How do you know??

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I dont think anyone really does know. I think it is a crcok when people say they knew.


I think it is a journey two people are willing to take together. No gurantees though. The better you now yourself the better a mate you can choose to SHARE your life with.


And i don't think being in love is a basis for being married. Just my opinion.

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Is this current partner special to you in anyways that the others weren't? You have to have been with him long enough (personally I think at least a year) and know that the relationship isn't deteriotating. And you MUST MUST know that he feels that way.


I can actually ask my boyfriend to say "will you marry me?" just so I can melt and be all gooey and happy *sigh* a sign that he is comfortable with the possibility.

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Try to imagine you and him in very difficult scenarios (sickness, death of family members, having a child) and think whether you would be willing to stick by each other's side no matter what. Also, I think everyone should have at least one good argument before marriage...just to see how the other person handles conflict.


Also, I realize that every situation is unique and some people get married very soon...but in general, I think it takes quite a bit of time to decide whether or not you could happily spend the rest of your life with that person. And if I recall, it's only been a few months since you started dating...Are you at the point where you are comfortable doing everyday things together, or is it still in the lovey-dovey we-need-to-impress-each-other stage?

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