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Post-labor: Things I didn't know I needed


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Okay I'm going through a pregnancy forum withdrawl. I'm no longer in the preggo club!


Anyways, here's a list of things that I needed after I got home from the hospital and had no idea I would, so I was completely unprepared. Maybe it will help a couple of you. Maybe this is common knowledge, but it wasn't for me!


Besides diapers and wipes, I found I needed rubbing alcohol to take care of the umbilical cord. Since I had a son and got him circumsized, and I needed vaseline and 2 x 2 gauze pads to cover the wound so it wouldn't stick to his diaper. I also got some diaper rash stuff that I already need.


One thing they NEVER tell you about is post partum care for YOU. I knew I needed some pads (and by some, I mean a truck-load), but I also found witch-hazel pads are a MUST. (The brand I use are called Tuck's, they help with the healing...) Also, they should give you a little water bottle to squirt warm water on yourself to keep clean, but I got an extra one to keep as backup. I also needed this spray for my girly parts, it's called Dermoplast and it totally saved me.


Another suggestion...get some really cheap sheets that you don't care about. I had my bed all set up with my nice sheets so I would be comfy after getting home from the hospital...BIG mistake. I'm not gonna go into details, but you get the picture.


Anyways, I hope this helps someone! Feel free to add anything I forgot!

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Oh, bless your heart. I'm glad you're doing well, and really glad you had a healthy baby!


I wanna add chocolate to that list. My hormones took a gigantic nose-dive right after I had my baby and I ate a king-sized Snickers bar literally every day for about two weeks. I eventually had to take it down a few notches to a regular sized one per day, then a regular sized one every few days... took me a month, but it really helped with the post-partum nasties (not depression). Now I bring all new moms some really good chocolate.


Also, as stupid as it sounds, either some good DVDs or some good trashy magazines. I know all the pictures show moms happily breast or bottle feeding their babies, looking lovingly into the baby's eyes, cooing, bla bla bla. That gets really boring. You're eventually gonna want to do something else.

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HEY Borntoresist!!!


Congrats again and great idea for a thread!!


One thing I thought of is: if one will be nursing...nursing pads and the lotion for that area -


Lanisinoh Lanolin



that's the best kind I've found


Good one.. and even if you dont plan on nursing you need to buy a small supply of nursing pads anyway just because you're going to leak for awhile until your supply dries up and unless your hospital supplies you with a tight wrap you might want to invest in a really tight sports bra to help compress your breasts to help your milk dry help.

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HEY Borntoresist!!!


Congrats again and great idea for a thread!!


One thing I thought of is: if one will be nursing...nursing pads and the lotion for that area -


Lanisinoh Lanolin



that's the best kind I've found


I'm breastfeeding and found that Medela's Pure Lan 100 works better for me. It's not as sticky so it's more convenient. Gerber's breast therapy comes a close second because it comes in a stick form...easier to apply one-handed.

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Two packs of granny panty hanes her way underwear, white...... Cause I didnt even plan to keep them and this way if I happened to get anything messy down there I could throw it away. After you have a baby your going to bleed worse than ever in your life so prepare for a flood.


******** SQUICK WARNING ********


My L&D nurse gave me a "uterus massage" the night I had my baby and squished a lot of blood out. It hurt BAD because I had just had a c-section, but I had a flow like a heavy period for about 2 weeks and then a light period for a little over a week. Wasn't too bad, relative to some of the post-delivery flow I've heard rumors about.


Also, hazey_amber - you don't have to wear adult diapers. You can find the same super duper absorbent maxi-pads the hospitals use in the drug stores. They don't have any sticky stuff on them but they'll stay in your underwear as long as you're not wearing a thong or dancing the tango.

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After you have a baby your going to bleed worse than ever in your life so prepare for a flood.



I never knew. I figured most of the blood would come out the day of the delivery, but not days thereafter. OH gosh, this does sounds rather messy. With a C-section, do you bleed as much as a vaginal birth?

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I never knew. I figured most of the blood would come out the day of the delivery, but not days thereafter. OH gosh, this does sounds rather messy. With a C-section, do you bleed as much as a vaginal birth?



Yeah, I never would have thought but my SIL had a csection and she bled just as much as I did. Sometimes you actually bleed more after a csection just because all the stuff that didn't come out with baby is going to have to come out at some point..

I bled for over a month after having my son and the first couple of weeks was the worst.

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I honestly don't think adult diapers are out of the question. They gave me these really weird mesh underwear in the hospital, and just pair that with an open-back hospital gown and a room full of visitors...makes for some fun situations.


I never realized how much I could possibly bleed. It's been two weeks now and I'm still a-flowin'. I bled everywhere, all over the floor on the way to the bathrooms, sheets, everywhere. Sorry if that's too graphic, but I wish I had some clue. And I use two kinds of pads...one with wings, then I stack on a super duper sponge-like kotex and sometimes that doesn't even do the trick.


*sigh* The joys. I would buy adult diapers if I had to go back and do it over.


And about the uterus massage...they started that on me to get the placenta out, then they'd come in and do it every couple of hours to make sure my uterus was going down. VERY painful! Also, it's the weirdest thing...if you breastfeed, you can feel it causing contractions. Also painful for a bit, but that's where the vicodin came in handy.


Don't worry though...SO worth it.

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