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He kissed me.


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Hmm.. this guy and I have been hanging out for a while and he told me that he didn't want to be in a relationship. So, yeah...I respect that.


A few weeks later I ask him why he doesn't kiss and he said it's something he feels he should only do with someone he's in a relationship with.. So yeah, I respect that.


Then last night he comes and kisses me and I make this. "What?" face and he tells me not to take it personally. So I ask him.."why? Why did you kiss me?" He says because he 'felt like it..' and then.. "Do you want me to do it again?". Without an answer he does it again!


I mean, I was still in a bit of shock.. you know.. and the next day I texted him after he went to work asking him...


'Why did you kiss me? I don't want to misunderstand your actions. I'm confused.'


I really am confused too.. I haven't said anything to anyone because i'm trying to understand his actions.


He hasn't texted me back yet (he's at work) and i'm not really too worried about it but unless I get an answer this kiss is going to be on my mind all the time because I don't understand it!


And I hate it when I don't understand things.

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if it meant something then it did but I wont think it did unless he tells me so


Im not going to let some kiss get in the way of our friendship.


And that's what it is, a friendship. D


Sometimes something like that is hard not to get in the way of a friendship. But I do think that it is possible to not let it get in the way of your friendship if you put some time and space in between the event (and the person).

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he kissed you because either:


-he wants you


-he cares for you


-wants to fool around


-or thought it was a right time to just do it


you need to think what to make of it based on your past and how you feel for this person. let us know.


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Or he's trying to tease you... ? Lead you on into just having emotionless sex?


Whatever it is, I'd not like it if I were you.


If a girl told me she doesn't want to be in a relationship, but kissed me... twice? I'd tell her to stop, because I only do things like that in a relationship. I don't like 'friends with benefits'... bleh. Puts a sick feeling in my stomach.


Either you're committed, or you're not. No 'in the middle' for me, sorry.

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from all of the descriptions before and your reactions from your replies to us, it seems like he is trying to play you. telling you that he doesn't want a relationship and then acting on you should be a signal.


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