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Sleeping together

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My girlfriend and I have been living together for about four months now. I find myself spending more nights in a different bedroom, maybe 5 out of 7 nights a week. I have no trouble falling asleep in bed with her, but I'll wake up a few hours later and if I need to get up for some reason (drink, bathroom, hot) there is no way I'll get back to sleep with her unless I am totally exhausted. If I do sleep through the night with her, I'm tired in the morning. I'm kind of a light sleeper and she snores. This has been going on for a while now, even since before I moved in with her.


It bothers me a little, I don't know what she thinks.


I don't know where I'm going here, just rambling since I'm a little tired.

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Two of my friend dont sleep in the same room

hes such a light sleeper and she snores and wriggles a lot

personally I think you can get over it, and a lot of why people cant get back to sleep is psychological, but then Im a heavy sleeper, so I could be wrong.


I wouldnt worry about it, as long as she doesnt mind...

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Some people just can't sleep together. When I lived with my ex I had a separate bedroom in our appartment. If i had to get up early or needed a good nights sleep I stayed in my other bedroom. It sucked that I couldn't sleep with him often but really it was the only way it worked. I am a light sleeper as well.

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I'm kind of a light sleeper and she snores. This has been going on for a while now, even since before I moved in with her.


I find myself on the couch many nights due to snoring. I cannot tolerate the sound of it at all. My husband has a deviated septum which he had surgery for twice, but it never helped.


What matters most is that you initially start out trying to fall asleep together so at least your intentions are good.


Just explain to her that it's nothing personal. You are just a light sleeper.


Sometimes I feel bad/guilty when I leave my bed - but a person has got to sleep- and if you can't sleep all night due to the sound of snoring, you will be miserable the next day during your awake hours when it's time to spend quality time together.


Just give her a big hug in the morning.



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I find myself on the couch many nights due to snoring. I cannot tolerate the sound of it at all.


That must be awful. But now that you're pregnant, he has to move to the couch when you need peace and quiet!


I personally enjoy the sound of my bf's snoring most of the time. When we're laying together our breathing synchronizes to the same rhythm and his snoring makes me feel one with him. Twisted, huh? But then sometimes he snores so loud it scares me because I seriously think he's going to hurt himself.

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Sleeping in separate beds is more common than you might think. Plenty of people are light sleepers and just cannot get as good a nights sleep when sleeping with someone else than they can alone. I'm hearing you do this for practical reasons and as long as your partner knows that I don't see it should be a significant issue.

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a very common problem... just make sure that she knows the problem is that you are a light sleeper... and she might already know she snores... i think that anyone who loves you would want you to get good sleep because it is so important for health... just snuggle with her for a while every night, and make sure she feels loved and she should be ok with it, and if she's not, then she's being selfish...

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That must be awful. But now that you're pregnant, he has to move to the couch when you need peace and quiet!


It's not bad. Sometimes I find the couch more comfortable than my bed.


I just feel bad that I have to leave his side sometimes....but sleep is important. Luckily he does not take it personally.


If I hear snoring- it makes me feel like I can't breathe. It just sounds so uncomfortable. I can't tolerate the sound of it.



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