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Well, today would have been three years...

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This is basically just a vent. I need to get this out of me and move on with my day.


Well, my ex and I began our relationship three years ago today. I woke up this morning, got ready for work as usual and everything was fine. On my way to work it hit me that today was February 8th. We have been sticking to NC (except for 2 non-avoidable instances) for the past week. I want to call her and tell her that I am still in love with her, but I am trying to stay strong. 2007 has not been very exciting so far, and the next couple of months will not be any better as we have a lot of "anniversaries" of different sorts and her birthday coming up.


ANYWAYS, just needed a bit of a vent this morning so that I can get some work done without having this bother me all day.

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Hi B84,


I am sorry you're having a not-so-great day


I am sure I am repeating what you already know but there will be good days AND there will be bad days: yes the dreaded roller-coaster of emotions.


Just accept that you will have bad days and allow yourself to *feel* (and not suppress) the hurt.

Nonetheless, it IS important not to let the emotions overwhelm you too much.


It sounds like you're doing well with NC so far; instead of saying "I thought about my ex" and seeing it as a set-back, how about acknowledging that you WILL inevitably think about your ex from time to time?

Also, please do consider trying to limit yourself on how much you think about her? e.g. 10 mins a day while I have my coffee, 3 times a week, etc etc?


Also, allow yourself even more time to heal and try not to be impatient that you don't feel better already!! It's only been a short while since your three year relationship ended; do not begrudge yourself ample time to heal.


Hang in there!




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Rather than starting a new thread, I'll just continue in this one...


I have gotten into a few fairly heated arguments with my parents recently. I won't go into details, but it involves them moving away and me being here pretty much left to support myself.


I miss her even more now when these things come up. I used to be able to call her, show up at her house, etc. and she would be there to listen, rest my head on, and talk to me about what's going on. None of my other friends are close enough for me to open up to, so I feel like I am just letting things build up inside of me.


I just miss having someone there to share things with, to laugh with, to cry with, etc. Surely, sooner or later, things are bound to get better. I just hope its sooner rather than later.

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