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dating is confusing... please advise.


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i've been on 3 dates with this girl and she's hard to read. each date were good. the last date, she was kind of sick so i didn't get a good night kiss. she said, she didn't want to get me sick. we both have hectic schedule and need our own personal space so we see each other about 1x a week.


yesterday, i emailed her and asked her how she was doing. she said she was feeling better. i called her after work to see if she was feeling better and got her vm. i left a short message. no call back.


this morning, she emails me and said sorry she was on the other line and she went to bed and asked how my night was...


this afternoon, i just emailed her something... if you're up to it, let's hangout friday or saturday.


her response was, let's play it by ear. i don't want to cancel on you.


what do i make of this? i just wrote back, 'ok, just email or call me'


i like her and enjoy her company. maybe i'm just over analyzing things.


please put me into perspectives.



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It sounds like you desire to put a genuine interest in getting to know her and potentially building a relationship. She may not have the same drive or desire to build a relationship with someone at the moment. It may not mean she isn't that into you. She just could have her priorities different than your own.


I would give her a bit more time. Maybe she is just cautious right now. However, in the next couple of weeks if its still obvious you want to put more of an effort into the potential relationship than she, then i would explain to her your desires and then probably try to find someone else.


There is nothing better than being ready to be in a relationship and finding someone you can't wait to learn all about.




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I'd say she's thinking about another guy...and you're the "backup plan". Or, you're the guy she's using to make the other guy jealous.


How do you know the dates were good?


Blow her off for a few days...if not indefinitely.


For the record, I never tell a girl to contact me...if she's "on the fence" that's a burden. Don't make yourself a burden or give her all the control. Now, you get to wait...that's no fun.

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Maybe she just doesn't feel up to making concrete plans just now.


If a girl likes a guy, she'll want to be with him...99% of the time. Also, girls typically love "plans". The girls I've known or dated will have my time planned out months ahead of time, before I know what happened!!

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