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If a man invites you over to cook for you, consider it an EXTREME compliment. I loooooooooooove to cook. I am rather addicted to it really. To cook for someone I know is a great challenge but worth every bite.


MOST men are not seen as cooks or chefs at home. Men are typically seen as couch potatos eatting chips and watching football with a beer.



To have a man cook for you lets observe the following:



1) In agreement with adahy, they must clean the house, bathroom etc.


2) If you accept and arrive to see candles placed randomly around the livingroom and kitchen...it's def. a sign he likes you. ( Men don't buy candles...good grief!! ha ha)


3) What is the menu? Do you know? No matter what, he must have the confidence to cook for you AND try to impress you with his culinary art skills. ( Look out Bobby Flay!!)


4) Wine! Wine! Wine! .... If wine is served...its a sign he likes you and HAS GREAT TASTE (depending on the wine of course).


5) Dessert and/or Coffee . . . If a man serves you dessert with an after dinner beverage... it's another sign that he likes you.



I hope this helps and it has given me a GREAT idea for something fun!



Take care!!





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Yeah, totally agree w/ Superdave.


I like to cook also, but it is usually just for myself..so if it doesn't turn out great, it's no big deal. However, if I'm cooking for a girl I like, it makes me a little nervous and stressed....I don't take it lighty. For me, cooking is a personal thing...and choosing to share that is I sign I really like someone.


There are exceptions...some guys are really confident in the kitchen and used to cooking for others. However, in general, most single guys aren't used to it...it is an effort of sorts for most guys (we don't do it for anyone) and definitely a compliment as Superdave mentioned.


I agree w/ other details such as candles and wine. I'm a bit of a wino, but I NEVER break out candles unless a girl is coming over...specifically one that I like.

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Yeah, being able to cook is a definitely a good feather in the cap of a courting gent.


I took a cooking course after I got dumped 5 years ago... Weird as people are often advised to take courses and such after a breakup on ENA and I did this off my own back all that time ago.


It's never been viewed as anything but a HUGE positive when it comes to dating.

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Everyone: thanks for the feedback!


SuperDave: I thought you'd like to know your list was bang-on. The place was cleaned up, the food was impressive, there were candles, the wine was replaced with bubbly water and lemon wedges, and there was tea afterwards. Nice, and fun.


And, yep. It was a date.

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