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Getting a girls attention without words


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Sure, eye contact and smiling are a good start - it's where you go from there that you're struggling with.


You have to jump in the deep end and approach women and talk to them.


Make a game of it, next time you're out with your hombres talk to as many women throughout the night as possible.


The one that spoke to the least has put on a dress next time you go out.


Just a thought.

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As in make it a competition - a bunch of guys go out somewhere and talk to as many women as they can. The guy that spoke to the least amount of women has a forfeit - such as being made to wear a dress next time they all go out.


Just extra encouragment to actually get up and talk to women.


But having said that, walking around in a dress would be quite a good conversation starter in a bar!

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As in make it a competition - a bunch of guys go out somewhere and talk to as many women as they can. The guy that spoke to the least amount of women has a forfeit - such as being made to wear a dress next time they all go out.


I don't know about the consequences, and might choose a very different loser's prize so to speak, but that is a heck of an idea.

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I get a girl's attention by simply talking to the whole group she's with, but not nessisarily directing anything towards her, but make sure you keep her attention by making people laugh. Watch her body language out of the corner of your eye, and if she can't keep her eyes off of you then find some quick one on one time, and nab the number.

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I don't know about the consequences, and might choose a very different loser's prize so to speak, but that is a heck of an idea.


High praise indeed Beec!


I used to do this kind of thing when I was in my early twenties with a group of my friends and it really helps to gain confidence and a working knowledge of speaking to 'strange' women.


Do it enough and the mystique fades and it becomes second nature (almost).


Practise makes perfect.

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High praise indeed Beec!


I used to do this kind of thing when I was in my early twenties with a group of my friends and it really helps to gain confidence and a working knowledge of speaking to 'strange' women.


Do it enough and the mystique fades and it becomes second nature (almost).


Practise makes perfect.


Exactly. Practice with some success breeds confidence and more success comes from that. Confidence is one of the biggest things holding all of us back, the toher is perhaps accepting ourselves as we are, and they are interrelated.


Someone, perhaps me, could sit there and tell you exactly what to do, get you doing the right things, and you would have some success. But you would be working at it. When you begin having success, though, and believing in yourself, you get confident. Do it more, and then soon you always do it. And you no longer need someone to tell you to do it or to put in the effort to make yourself do it. It's second nature, it becomes part of you so that stopping it would need to take thought and some effort.


You've got good insights today Zombiain.

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Exactly. Practice with some success breeds confidence and more success comes from that. Confidence is one of the biggest things holding all of us back, the toher is perhaps accepting ourselves as we are, and they are interrelated.


Someone, perhaps me, could sit there and tell you exactly what to do, get you doing the right things, and you would have some success. But you would be working at it. When you begin having success, though, and believing in yourself, you get confident. Do it more, and then soon you always do it. And you no longer need someone to tell you to do it or to put in the effort to make yourself do it. It's second nature, it becomes part of you so that stopping it would need to take thought and some effort.


You've got good insights today Zombiain.


Considering the subject is dating, the use of the word "breed" amuses me, lmao.


All jokes aside, you're right Zombiain hit the bull's eye.

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Exactly. Practice with some success breeds confidence and more success comes from that. Confidence is one of the biggest things holding all of us back, the toher is perhaps accepting ourselves as we are, and they are interrelated.


It doesnt end at confidence. Confidence will get you a conversation, and smiles from the girl. Confidence will get you some dance time and build your ego.


But unless she is drunk, physical attraction is where you get a one night stand, or a phone number for night calls.


This is in the context of clubs though for short-term relationships.

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Be carefull not to look TOO confidant. Just speaking for myself, but that can be a big turn off. I prefer comfortable to confidant. I think a sincere smile is a great start.


Thats an interesting statement... being too confident? How so?


If that can be a problem, then perhaps I fall under that catagory sometimes? Big turnoff?


Unless you mean cocky... which is another story completely.

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Physical attraction is not important at all. Just taking good care of what you have will get you lots of girls. You also have to be cocky (mixed with funny). Trust me, it works. Its strange that the women on this forum generally do not like cocky guys yet the cocky guys are the most successful with women?!

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Eye contact, smiling, and sometimes I'll throw in a wink.


Often I'm to shy to throw in the wink, but sometimes I get inspired and do it before I think, or maybe I've had a drink and don't feel shy.


Then say "Hi" and go from there. Quite often I'll include a joke.


However, the wink might show to much confidence, as someone above mentioned to much confidence can be bad. It depends on the woman. Some women would get off on the extra confidence, others would be turned off by it. So I sort of have to have some sense of her, and who she is, before I'm going to consider adding the wink. If in doubt, leave it out.

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