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What's going on with this chick?


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Ok, So I meet this girl and I like her immediately. She's attractive and funny and smart. We are laughing and she's having a good time. We are at this sports league callout and she tells me to sign up for V-ball so we can play together. I get her ph number and called her up in two days. Anyways, I set up a dinner and she says sure, she'll go. It's now been like a week and a half and we're set for dinner on Sat. She calls me on txts me three days before the date and this is what she writes.


"I am really sorry but I don't think I should go on Sat. I am having some relationship issues and doubt I would be any fun. Maybe some other time".


Ok now I"m a little irritated. Ok more than a little irritated so I text her back "No Prob". Call her and left a message saying that I understand and hope you get things worked out and that it's just dinner. No strings. Stay good.


Well she calls back immediately. I am on the ph and she leaves a voicemail basically saying she appreciates my message and that she's not in a good place and that she's open to getting together with me later and talking more later on..just not right now.


Ok..I"m like WHAT???!!


What am I supposed to do with that?

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" I am having some relationship issues and doubt I would be any fun. "


What the hell? She doubts it would be ANY fun? What the hell kind of comment is that? What relationship issues, is she in a relationship right now?


She doubts that SHE would be any fun. Probably because she was in a bad mood.


My 2 cents, everybody deserves a second chance.

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She doubts that SHE would be any fun. Probably because she was in a bad mood.


My 2 cents, everybody deserves a second chance.


Ok pursue again? Hmm perhaps.


Basic principle


Can't appear needy but also out of sight out of mind. Two things pulling against each other. How long to wait before another contact? If so txt? email? or ph?


Can't let the line go slack. Cause if ya do, you lose the fish. If ya throw your line in the water too many times, ya spook the fish and it swims away.

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My interpretation is that she likes you, but something came up and she's in a bad mood or rattled. She probably sounded like a voicemail because she was scared and just wanted to get it out.


I'd give her a second chance and perhaps ask her what happened. Could be a family issue or an ex showing up and rattling her or she is already in a relationship.

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Ummmm..well that is bad. But dayum is she hot!! Smart too and working on her PhD. Like..ok..I"m thinking I gotta give this one my best shot.


Hey have you ever thought that the super hot ones are typically with a boyfriend or lining up their next guy? Like there is no downtime after a relationship? Maybe its not the healthiest thing but it might be reality. That's why us guys need to step it up and be ready to go there when the opportunity exists.


Nothing ventured nothing gained.

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FYI, relationships aren't always romantic. I have a relationship with my parents, with my best friend, etc, etc. Don't jump the gun, it could be almost anything that she's talking about. Like someone else pointed out, it could be that her ex is hassling her, it could be her roommate started smoking crack again, who knows?


Just give her a bit of space and see if she comes back. You could always give her another call in a week or so and just see how she's doing. Could be things have settled down in her life, could be she really needs someone to talk to, or you could find out that she was blowing you off, but give her another chance.

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