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Staying focused on school

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I know how it is to get off task with school. It happens to me all the time. What I try to do is make a set time to study/do homework, and do it everyday no matter what. Just lock yourself in a room and get focused. Maybe put on headphones or something.


I've got a gf and it makes me so much happier...although thoughts of her kind of distract me from studying sometimes, lol.

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Great point about peak hours! Some people are most active in the morning, some people are most active at night...What about you?


Also, try to put yourself into a situation where you are basically forced to study. Try a study group...or go to the library and sit at a table with somebody else. No talking at all! But the sight of somebody else studying can be a good motivator...


Eliminate all distractions, too...Unless you absolutely, positively NEED a computer, go somewhere where you can't use one. Only take your textbook and some paper for writing...

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I used to think that if I was more thin, I could study better. But then I reached a point where I couldn't afford to eat for several months and I lost a lot of weight. But I couldn't study better because my brain didn't work so well when I hadn't eaten in 2 days.


careful what you wish for.

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