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men vs. women


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Hey Luke, yes there may be miscarriages of justice re men being wrongly convicted of rape.


But I reckon that for every wrongly accused man story you bring up I bet I could dig up a story or study that showed a woman in a similar or worse situation.


We had a girl (yes, a teenager) who was gang-raped here, and her rapists were utterly lacking in remorse. They tried various means of getting her to drop the charges, including behaviours in court that force mistrials so she had to go through the whole thing all over again, multiple times, in court. They also organised to run their own defence at one point, so the ringleader got to cross-examine her in court about the rape he committed. Yuck.


Mis-trials are caused by incompetent judges not lawyers, and that's one thing in common with both those cases. Some judges should go to jail because they are idiots.

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I agree, that I shouldn't be making sweeping generalisations of extreme isolated cases, but it's still a disturbing case nonetheless that has stook in the back of my mind. It's not a case I like to think about.


This woman has a wicked soul, and of course, most women out there aren't diabolical to put innoscent guys who reject their sexual advances to jail in false charges of sexual assault. But even in the Bible, that has happened with Joseph and Potiphar's wife in the book of Genesis. Joseph was a slave, and the wife of the master wanted to have sex with Joseph. Joseph resisted, the wife cried rape, and Joseph ended up in jail for a while (although he was promoted to government minister afterwards as God had a purpose in all of this).


What was the relevance of the Biblical reference Luke? Not sure why this was quoted directly after your statements that most women aren't like this.

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What was the relevance of the Biblical reference Luke? Not sure why this was quoted directly after your statements that most women aren't like this.


The relevance of it directly fits to the legal situation quoted above.


Joseph resisted a sexual advance and went to jail for it. But it was all in God's will anyway.


I agree that it's unfair to make generalisations out of a few isolated incidents, but I'm certainly not going to go around 'testing reality' by groping random women, or anyone I know, and seeing what potential reactions I get. I dont have the time for that - and beside, the action/concept is 'unholy and unclean' even though 'sexually expressive'.


God allows certain things to happen to people, including innoscent people going to jail, and we do not know why, but there is always a greater purpose involved. Why do bad things happen to good people? Perhaps that is a subject for another thread.

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