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Almost 2 year relationship over.. Feel terrible

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So my girlfriend of almost 2 years broke up with me earlier today. We were our first everythings. I am so hurt right now, just because of all the talk we had of marrying and what we would name our kids. Everything reminds me of her, and its terrible.

I guess it was coming though. She was a mormon, and getting married in her temple was a big deal to her, but we could not every do it because I am not mormon. Also, she would occasionally get these feelings of "religiousness" and she would not want to haev sex or even let me touch her because she felt that she would be a bad person. We had been arguing a lot too lately, mostly over trivial things, for example: We dont see each other much because of school/work, and yesterday I asked her to come down before she went off to school and I class. I asked her to come over around 7AM and we could hang out for a bit till we both ahd to go at 8, but she told me she would be too tired. Another thing was how one night she blew me off for her girl friends, and when I asked if she wanted me to come she just said "Sometimes I need to be with just my friends, I am always with you." That kind of bothered me.. It just felt like she didnt accept me for who I was.. Its hard though.. Im trying NC and as I type this I want to call her..

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be strong... time and space will make the pain go away. i think this is the time to call up your friends, that's what they're their for. and don't play the "what if" or the "it's all my fault" game... it's easy to do, but not healthy or realistic. feel free to post here and we'll try to help you out.

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Not to make the mood even worse but do you think maybe another man could have been involved? I mean with her not wanting you to come out with her and all? If so it may hurt but she will probably be easier to let go. Either way stay strong. I am going through the same thing you are except mine was 3yrs. I feel your pain

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I'm sorry youre going through all that pain!!!!


I think that staying away from her is probably the best thing for you now. Focus on yourself and keep yourself busy. I know it's hard.


I acually lived in Utah for a few years and I experienced a huge culture shock over there with the Mormon religion being so prominent. From my experience, they don't date outside their religion and their church seems to guide their lifestyle. If youre not mormon and don't plan on converting I would definitely think that ending your relationship with your girlfriend is probably the best for both of you as there would probably be a lot more problems down the line. That is just my opinion.


Stay stong and good luck!

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I'm sorry youre going through all that pain!!!!


I think that staying away from her is probably the best thing for you now. Focus on yourself and keep yourself busy. I know it's hard.


I acually lived in Utah for a few years and I experienced a huge culture shock over there with the Mormon religion being so prominent. From my experience, they don't date outside their religion and their church seems to guide their lifestyle. If youre not mormon and don't plan on converting I would definitely think that ending your relationship with your girlfriend is probably the best for both of you as there would probably be a lot more problems down the line. That is just my opinion.


Stay stong and good luck!


Its so true! Im glad Im not the only one who felt that way. Im not saying I know what religion is true, but Mormons seem almost like a cult. It really does influence everything they do.

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