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What The Hell Is The Point?

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Avman. Please read bluegirl's post.


Some of the best advise I have gotten through this thread, thus far, has been through the nit-picking at one another. If someone offers advise and it is scorned, cast away as if without a glance, and they counter. They counter with not only their logic but their pride, their emotion, then it lets you feel the full depth of their reasoning.


I have often been called a debater, because that is one thing I am at ease with - debate. It is almost as if it is a natural field for me. I have debated several times, and in the past, I cursed myself for this, but as time moved on, I appreciated it within me. The reason is simple. I began to not only debate to throw "hot coal" into someone's palm, but to learn. It is often through debate, arguments, and outbursts that you will attain a person's true motives, what is really going through their mind, and why they so strongly believe in their logic.


Bluegirl, your incredibly smart, and very flexible. I like the way that you illustrate your posts, it is almost as if it were a performance. The first post was as if it were a poem, while the second post commanded fierce authority and steady logic and reasoning. I hope you will continue and use your gifts well, for not many have them, and even fewer appreciate them.


If I do not reply to your post, do not think I have forgotten about it, or disregarded it. If you wish to hear my reply to it, simply PM me and refer me to the post, saying you would like to know what I think about it and what my reply is to it. I will give it to you, trust me, I will.

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Thanks Spug.


Sorry I didn't get a chance to respond to you after you posted, Omar, as I've had a few problems on my end getting juice flowing in my apartment!


Anyhow, I hope you are feeling a little better Omar. And would be interested to hear what has been discussed.


You know, Omar, I do relate to you quite a lot in that intellectual abilities has often been my 'first and mightiest defence'.

What I mean is, when troubles come a brewing within me, my first line of defending these hurts is to use my brain to come up with arguments for why this shouldn't be happening, or isn't happening, how I will not accept it because it fails logical grounds.


Have you ever heard of the old 'home truth' out of someone's mouth "You are too smart for your own good!"?


If you aren't familiar with it, it usually is in reference to a person who is very clever but fouls his/her own wellbeing in the process of thinking so much.


Being highly intelligent, a very convincing spin can be given to even the most flawed outlook. Trouble is, often times the person does manage to fool some people - hence reinforcing 'how smart and correct' they are in their views.

Which isn't good when that outlook isn't working for them.


That home truth is pretty deep really. It recognizes that intelligence is not enough: for a happy life, for a healthy person, or for even being 'correct'!


When all is said and done, some things in life CAN NOT be solved with the brain or argued. They just can't.

You can only feel them and keep living. Learning in a different way.


Omar, hope you can see this in the well-meaning way it is being sent. It comes from my heart, and I wish you the best.

Whatever is hurting you so deeply, you CAN transcend it and create a life worth living for yourself. Hearts are strong - muscles, that need to be exercised - so please take care of yours.


And maybe one day you'll laugh that deep, happy tear laugh of realizing "Whoa, I was wrong, and thank GOD (or whatever you believe in or don't). "

There is no shame in being wrong A LOT of the time - and it does not diminish your intelligence one whit.


.....sorry this got longer than originally intended, but will leave it as it is .....

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Haha, you sound kind of like me. What schools of thoughts have you studied? Were you ever a nihilist? You sound like you had some serious existentialist angst....but you should read existentialist literature, some of it is pretty depressing, but it's the ultimate triumph of the individual.


Heck, you want a challenge, you got one..but I suspect you probably share similar views to myself being a determinist and all, but determinism isn't an excuse to do nothing. Determinism is a statement about 'what is', not 'what ought to be'. Pretty confident in your ability if you have the balls to say you have 'great insightful wisdom'. I have spent the last three years of my life arguing with philosophers over the internet, so you won't be disappointed.


Albert Camus spent most of his philosophical career trying to figure out if life is worth living or not. So it isn't a set issue... There is no reason to fear death (it is natural, it happens to everyone eventually and if you're dead you don't have the ability to care), it's a non-comparable experience so one does not know if death is better than life or not. Given that every creature on the planet will die eventually, we deduce that life is most probably a limited time offer only. So you might as well live life, because existence is fleeting while death is eternal.


If life is pointless, then death is probably just as pointless if not more.


Boredom...I never feel boredom, I am always occupying myself, starting arguments, hell, I live for conflict, I fight for my ideals I try to tackle the great philosophical questions in life: materialism, morality, god, politics.


I have to admit, I think the 'meaning of life' is a pointless question. 'Meaning' is arbitrary and different for different people. Something may 'mean' something to a particular person, but mean nothing to another. Pull an existentialist: Meaning is what you make. I like to say: Life has no reason, but meaning is something one creates. Better start making it for yourself, you're intelligent enough to, you're an individual who's not afraid to attack the establishment.


I suggest: conviction|thirst for knowledge|self-directed purpose|conflict instead of boredom|


Here are some of my positions: Rabid atheist, existentialist, materialist (thus a determinist), moral subjectivist (yet still a moral realist who subscribes to some of ayn rand's objectivist philosophy)


Politics: market anarchist (you get to have so much fun with controversy if you're both a rabid atheist and anarchist...trust me, you don't get bored fast with that stuff). I spent the last while dealing with market anarchy, it's replacing my 'strong atheism' fixation.


Rolemodels: Ayn Rand, Nietzsche, Stefan Molyneux


By all means, tell me you've explored all of philosophy, I'd really like to see you try. Life can never be boring, there's still so much you don't know.


*note*: I'm also 18 and freakishly intelligent, but have recently lost direction in life resulting in utter neglect of my studies.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
LOL this thread was from a long time a go. Omar and I know each other, and recently he was logged in at my house so I wrote that above "I love blueangel" hehe

but he's doing better now everyone. And please resist name calling sheesh!!

ACTUALLY!! You wrote it... but I edited it and re-wrote it! So I claim all the credit for that statement!


What the hell is the point in living, when you have nothing to live for?


The point of living is to find something or soemone that actually IS worth living for.


What the hell is the point in living, when everything bores you?


The point of living is to find soemthing that doesent bore you.


What the Hell is the point in living, when everything blows up in your face and you become a failure or a public mockery?


The point of living is the hope for things to get better, and if theyres no room for them getting any worse, theyre only room for them to get better.

Oi, this discussion finished quite awhile ago... apparently someone doesnt like reading the last page


But... for the sake of argument...


The point of living is to find something or soemone that actually IS worth living for.

You are 70 years old. You have not found anything or anyone that is "worth" living for. You have desperatly been clinging onto your feeble life in your search of that thing. In the end, you have lived your life as a failure.

Morale? Don't worry about something grand and significant to live for. Go with the flow and seek happiness. If you can only find happiness in things that are considered "sinful", well... that sucks... but do those things anyways (unless if it infringes upon others).


The point of living is to find soemthing that doesent bore you.

Well now, that is quite absolute =). Yet... if everything bores you, then finding something that doesn't bore you would probably be boring as well... no?


The point of living is the hope for things to get better, and if theyres no room for them getting any worse, theyre only room for them to get better.

I actually like this response a bit =) Though, theres always room for things to get better and to get worse . The only extremes are heaven and hell... and I don't know about you, but I'm a good ways away from experiencing either =)

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