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i like the idea of sending myself flowers. or what about sending flowers to a stranger (someone at the hospital), a family member, or a friend? could even be fun to be a secret valentine this year.


i went valentine's day shopping today for cards, and had enjoyed it. it's always been a fun day to celebrate for me, and it doesn't feel any different this year even though i'm single. actually, it's kind of nice thinking about the love that exists around you and acknowledging it.


We could sent them to each other!

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I hate valentines day above all other holidays. Actually, it's the only one I hate, but I really hate it.


It's the one day my can do attitude fails me and I feel like everything around me is mocking me.


I wonder if shy people in general hate this day? I wonder if lonely people in general hate this day? How about horny people? I'm all 3 so I really get depressed about 2 days before and after. Then I'm OK again.


I had a neighbor who got even more upset every Valentines day because his son was shot and killed on Valentines day 30 years ago by his son's wife. Long story and I don't know the details. I only know it was a good day for us to get royally hammered together every year. He died a couple years ago (he was older than Moses). Now I'm going to be alone this Valentines Day, like every other before and after I met him. At least he was a buddy who hated it with me. Now who's going to be with me on Valentines Day? No one, probably.

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My family kinda made it into a day not just for couples but for anyone you love. I get Valentines from my parents and sister, so its not as lonely-feeling. I get the bah-humbug feeling as far as dating goes at Christmas time, and its a whole bloody month of it instead of just one day.

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My family kinda made it into a day not just for couples but for anyone you love. I get Valentines from my parents and sister, so its not as lonely-feeling. I get the bah-humbug feeling as far as dating goes at Christmas time, and its a whole bloody month of it instead of just one day.


That's an excellent idea! We did the same for V-day...


I still don't understand why those IN a relationship are so disgruntled about showing the one they love that they love them! Let's face it, guys aren't always the best at SHOWING the woman they love that they love them. Why is this a bad thing?

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That's an excellent idea! We did the same for V-day...


I still don't understand why those IN a relationship are so disgruntled about showing the one they love that they love them! Let's face it, guys aren't always the best at SHOWING the woman they love that they love them. Why is this a bad thing?


I definitely wasn't disgruntled about Valentine's Day when I was with my g/f ... I loved it!!! Spending an entire day where everything is just about "us" and seeing her sooo happy always made Valentine's Day one of my favorite days.

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