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This is hasnt happened before...


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Hi there everyone.


Im a little bit worried about this bleeding i had yesterday. It was like the brown sort just as your period starts but it wasnt as dark. It only lasted for a day but my period isnt due for another week. could it be implantation bleeding??


Its a scary thought, i dont think i am pregnant as i take my pills when im supposed to. Its not a breakthrough bleed as i dont skip the 7 pill-free days. I was really ill with the flu a couple of weeks ago but didnt take any antibiotics, just paracetamol and cough medecine.


My bf and i have been having regular sex and we just rely on the pill for protection...im worried.


oh dear....

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sometime that happens in between periods if your stressed, eating differently. normaly its not something to worry about. but go to a walk in clinic if your worried you might be pregnant. or buy at home test, some can tell right away.

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Sometimes you will see spotting in between periods, especially if you have been sick or stressed.


How long have you been on the pill? Do you take it at the same times every day?


I worry as you are not using condoms- have you both been testing for STI's? Many do not carry outward symptoms but can be devestating to your reproductive system, some even causing infertility. It's important to be tested.


The pill also does not protect 100% against pregnancy, (with user error it is something like 92-94 %) so if you and your guy are not ready, using a barrier method (aka condom) and the pill together is the safest way to go.

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I've been on the pill just over 2 years. My bf and i were using both condoms and the pill at first, but then we seemed to forget about putting on a condom and relied only on the pill.


I've been a bit stressed with the uni workload, but its never affected my cycle i think only illnesses have.


tis strange...

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Have you guys been tested for STIs?


There is a huge increase in the spread of STIs because of carelessness of people with using condoms and the fact that many don't carry outward symptoms at all or for awhile after contracting them- but can cause infertility, nervous system damage, and even death.


I would hope that since you have been having unprotected sex, that you have already been tested- but if not, get yourself and your guy to the clinic right away for tests... and get back to using condoms every time.

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Hey There,


Glad to hear it. Your boyfriend should get checked too- just because you are healthy doesn't mean he is. It's best if you both get checked before continuing to have unprotected sex.


While you are there perhaps you can schedule a pregnancy test as well and alleviate that worry at the same time.


Good luck and let us know what they say!

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