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My first job!! I hope it ain't a scam...

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Well, I've been working hard turning in applications and everything (my mom forced me to turn in 2 a day) and not even Del Taco gave me a call back. I've tried well over 20-30 places, and the only place that would accept me was this place called Vector Marketing/Cutco. One of my buddies (who is even more anti-corporate/leftist than I am) tells me it's fantastic and you can earn a lot of money, but others tell me it's a MLM scheme; albeit a cleverly disguised one. I know it's gonna be hard as hell selling knives because I live in a poor neighborhood where people hate solicitors (even though this job is appt. only) and can't afford fine cutlery. I also live near a rich neighborhood where almost everyone's a penny-pincher. I can only work off recommendations and initial customers... which means if I mess this one up, I'm screwed because the closest relatives to me live several miles outside the city limits, I don't have many friends with parents, or they're poor and are lucky if they can afford the TiVo bill. My mom is just waiting to play the "I told you so! You need to listen to your mother more often! Go get a REAL job and climb the REAL ladder in the REAL world, son!" card because she's becoming very unreasonable. I paid $145 for the sample kit used for demos; and ironicly enough, my mom who wastes hundreds a year for redecorating and then the decorations become "ugly" or "obsolete" then she tosses 'em tells me it's a "scam" and I'm "wasting money". My brother's also gonna hound me with his super-left wing "It's all your fault you can't get a real job!" crap when he's 22, works coffee, and already has a baby!! I'm hoping some sort of quantum miracle happens to make this job work, because it's pretty much my last hope.


This HAS to work.

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It's not a scam per-se. Cutco knives are pretty baller.


I went to the training seminar, but I realized it wasn't a job I'd be successful.


Any idea why you're having trouble landing a job? If you want, feel free to PM me and maybe I can give you a few pointers.


Having used the knives myself, I agree wholeheartedly. I'm gonna give this gig a try especially because I've been accused of doing the opposite way too much.

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Well, you've shelled out the money, so what have you got to lose? Give it a go and see how it pans out. I must say, it wouldn't work for me, because I need a regular income, but it's always worth trying for the experience.


Just out of interest, are you trying for all kinds of work? Are you answering ads, or writing on spec? Because I think that there is always a way of getting a job, but it IS a business/career in itself. Things like shaping every CV/application specifically to each job, etc. There is some really good advice out there about job-hunting.

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Well, you've shelled out the money, so what have you got to lose? Give it a go and see how it pans out. I must say, it wouldn't work for me, because I need a regular income, but it's always worth trying for the experience.


Just out of interest, are you trying for all kinds of work? Are you answering ads, or writing on spec? Because I think that there is always a way of getting a job, but it IS a business/career in itself. Things like shaping every CV/application specifically to each job, etc. There is some really good advice out there about job-hunting.


I've looked everywhere that doesn't seem too much expecting of job experience, which I don't have *apparently, at age 19, that's pretty pathetic. go figure*. I've tried looking in the paper for a job, but it's literally a joke.


Oh well. If nothing happens soon and I'm still a broke, unemployed loser... to the unemployment office I go!!!

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I don't want to be a downer or anything, but I figured I'd give you some realistic input. My brother in law bought the knives from Vector and wasn't very successful with them. He is not a very good salesman, so that probably contributed a lot, but he thought he was when he bought them. It was basically a waste for him and the sample kit is now collecting dust in his garage.


However, I'd imagine that if you are actually a good salesman, you'll do better than he did. I saw the knives he was selling and they were good, but they seemed over priced to me. I'm a cheapstake and am always looking for quality at the best deals (I bought most of my kitchen wares from Costco so most regularly priced things seem expensive to me, lol. As long as you can find people who are willing to spend that much and you are good at selling them, you'll do better than my brother in law did

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Stay positive and confident and find yourself some clients!


I'm sorry to hear you are having a difficult time finding a position.


I suggest that while you work for the cutlery company, you also continue applying for other positions.


Have you thought about going to college? There are many grants, federal aid, etc. that make it a possibility for you! I just hate for you to be stuck in this rut for years to come!

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