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Ive got a crush...argh!

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Ive got this crush on this guy for a while now...

I notice that when hes talking to me, he'll be talking about the lamest things like its the most important and serious issue in the world. No jokes or smiles at all. So I try being funny, and he almost never gets it. Its so awkward.

It feels like hes incredibly shy with me, but hes not generally a shy person so Im not sure.


The thing is that when he talks to everybody else, hes always cracking up and and making everyone else laugh. Whenever i see him around, he'll say something funny -usually directed at someone else, and he'll make everybody laugh. I feel awful, because its usually some hot girl, who he seems to be really comfortable with. Thats the thing! Hes comfortable with everybody else.


Another horrible thing is that he just wont look back, when Im looking at him. I'll be glancing at him sometimes hoping he'll notice me, and he'll make sure not to look at me, but always see him smiling to himself.


Am i being a complete idiot in believing that he could like me back?

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Hmm, I don't know thats a tough one, it could be that he is just really shy.


Some guys when theres a girl they really like, they can't be comfortable around her, and they do the most lamest things in an attempt to try and get her to like him or whatever. Oftentimes it results in doing the opposite, hence trying too hard usually doesn't work.


But you should talk to him

Just ask him one day, be like hey, why do you act so differently around me?

And see what he says I know for a long time I wasn't shy at all except for when it came to girls that I liked.


Just so you know how vast it can be, before I dated my x-gf Becca I wasn't afraid to run up to girls I've known for a week and give them a big bear hug from behind. Yet when I dated her, I was scared to even hold her hand.


So yea, you never know what may be on his mind =]



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you have about two choices. Either you live in agony for the rest of your life not knowing, or you ask the guy out. Evidence so far suggests that hoping that he will do it someday would be extreme optimism and not really smart I think. Let's say he does not like you, and you wait a couple of months and miss a dozen chances with other guys. What a waste, don't you think?


If you ask him out, you find out where you stand exactly, if he says yes, things are perfect. If he says no, you at least know and can move on and not waste your time on him.

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I wouldn't suggest asking him out just yet - it doesn't seem like you are ready, and it doesn't seem like your connection with him would warrant such strong action. Based on your post, it doesn't seem like you talk much to each other, so it would be sort of random if you did; and if he said yes, imagine how awkward it would be if he doesn't even laugh or look you in the eyes!


So just start talking to him. If the awkwardness goes away, great! But if it lasts, you should do what Bluedude said and just casually ask him why he acts differently around you than he does around everyone else. You could tease him about it or something, just don't make it too serious or uncomfortable.


I'm kind of in the same situation, so I really hope this works out for you in the end! I think first you need to make sure you feel comfortable around him and that there's chemistry (which, if he's shy, will take some time to develop).

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