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The first kiss


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Mmm'kay. So here's my story.


Up until this year, I've been the most anti-social person anyone's ever known. Probably one of the less attractive ones, too. Something kicked in for me though, this year. I've been brushing my teeth, my hair, doing everything right to look good.


About a month and a half ago was my first outting with a girl. She asked me if I wanted to go ice skating with her and her friends, and it ended up being just us. We held hands and everything and it was great. Incredible, even.


Over the last month I've been visiting her and catching movies with her and eating dinner with her and all sorts of exciting things. We'd lean into eachother when watching movies, cuddle and stuff, and we even went to a concert once where I almost built up the nerve to kiss her, but I didn't and I feel really bad about it.

[i know I had the perfect chance and I missed it, she leaned torward me and I paniced and started talking]



I really want to get close with her before she has to leave for college, which is in about six months, and I haven't even kissed her yet. I feel like I'm wasting so much time of what could be something wonderful. Not that our current relationship isn't- just that, that whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing really sounds like something I would want with her.


I've never kissed anyone before, and I don't even know what I would do. She doesn't know that I've always been the anti-social boy that always sat in the back of the room. She doesn't know that I've never kissed anyone ever.


My fear is that I would do something stupid and she wouldn't understand, or if she did understand, she wouldn't think of me the same way anymore.


I just need some sort of strategy, or amazing date, or a nice movie. Anything. I need to find another moment where I have the chance.


I know that she likes me back, I just don't know how to return the affection.


So I guess that's my real question. How does one accomplish the "First kiss"? And is there anything I'm supposed to do? I feel so hopeless, but I love her.

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im sure another opportunity will come up...you dont have to push it yourself and make it obvious, just wait, if she does feel the way you say...she will give you another opportunity (sometimes i think we all wish girls would just do it instead of hint) but we can be that way too at times i guess.


dont push it on her, im sure itll just happen

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Hmm. Well thanks for the responses, it's just I'm really going to miss her when she leaves for college, because I'm still a junior. She's told me we'd still hang out and everything, just not as often, and I guess that's why I feel like I need to rush.


Six months is a pretty long time, and valentines is just around the corner... That's what my plan was, but I don't know if that's stupid.

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If you aren't prepared for a breakup in 6 months, then don't make a move... you'll end up killin yourself over her... although that sounds bad, in some ways, its great. Pain is fun at times.


That's another thing eating me up inside. It drives me crazy, but I'm pretty sure if she gets sick of me, I can handle that. I mean, I just really want to be in a relationship with her, it feels so right.

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Oh, it sounds like she's really into you, don't worry about it. The first kiss is always akward. I'm sure she'll be understanding and sweet about it. And I'm sure there will be PLENTY of other opportunities to kiss her. When the timing is right, do it slowly and gently. Don't feel the need to rush though, you guys will see each other, maybe not as often but that'll make all the more special. And I'm sure the distance will test the relationship and what's meant ot be will be.

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Hmmm - what about at the end of the evening? When you say goodbye, do you hug her goodbye? Because you could sort of get in the habit of hugging and kissing her on the cheek (say at the start of the evening). Repeat at the end of the evening, but sort of slide in for the kiss????


Bet she's JUST as nervous as you, btw! (And well done for really looking after yourself lately - that's really great!)

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