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head says one thing, heart says another...

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What do you do when your head and your heart are telling you two different things? Here is my dilemma: My head is telling me to be happy with the relationship I'm in. That this is the logical thing to do financially, emotionally and morally. My heart on the other hand is telling me I belong with someone else. Someone I never stopped loving. Now, I do love the person I am with now, been with him for almost 3 years. But I have always been in love with someone else, for going on 6 years now. So how do I know what is right? This is driving me crazy. I cut the other person out of my life hoping that would make a difference but it hasnt. I get so depressed sometimes because I think what if my heart is right. What if I am supposed to be with this other person. And then I counter that with, what if all thats wrong and I'm right where I'm supposed to be. How do you know? Anyone here with a similar problem? what did you do? did you follow your head, or your heart?

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Unfortunately there is no way you can know... You are in a tough spot right now... You need to do some real soul searching.


Do you think this other person from your passed feels the same way? What if you left your relationship to persue them and they didn't feel the same for you? Then you will ne out in the cold.


I am not telling you what you should or shouldn't do, but think carefully before acting.

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Follow your heart. It's obvious you want the other guy more, but it's not right to lead on the guy your with. You need to make a choice. For a second I would think your this one girl I know, because I haven't talked to her since October, ever since she decided to go into a relationship with her ex over me.


But you said 6 years, so it couldn't be you.


Anyway, I don't think you can be "in love" with two people at once. One or the other, one of them you want more. You have to decide.

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I would say leave the guy you are with anyway. never mind feeling lonely or without a boyfriend. maybe you need t be 'without a boyfriend' for a while to decide what you truly want. Its not fair to stay with this guy because 'its the right thing to do' you are preventing him from finding someone that sees him as number 1 not Number 2 or the someone she is settling for?


I think you should follow your heart, rather than spend your life wondering what if, however you owe it to this other guy to either love him with all you have got, or cut him loose and let someone else.

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