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oral sex for the first time, please help

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ok so i met this girl, and we both plan on gving eachother oral sex. well from what ive noticed, is that a lot og girls dont liek the taste of a guys cum, anyway to fix that? also, do girls not liek a lot of hair on a guy down yonder. and what do girls like when a guys goes down on her, what makes her horny and what will give her alot of pleasure (in a general sense) (and yes i have looked around and didnt find much on these topics.)



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One piece of advice that may or may not be true (as it is a generalization) is that you shouldn't dive in on the clit because it is very sensitive. Instead of going right for it, go for the 1 o'clock position. In other words, if you're looking right at it, don't put your tongue directly on it, put your tongue just above and to the right of it. I've known at least a few women who have suggested it.


As for the taste of cum, that was covered in another thread. Try drinking citrus juice (and no, Mountain Dew doesn't count), like orange or pineapple.

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Think I said if you're looking directly at it, as in you facing her. So it would be your right, her left.


Haha! I prefer 11:00 myself.


To the OP: Be gentle, and talk beforehand and tell her that you want her to let you know what she likes and doesn't like. Every woman is different, so what she likes may not be anything we've suggested here.


On the other side of the coin, give her that same courtesy! You don't necessarily have to say "Yes I like that" if it feels corny, a moan will let her know that something feels especially good. You can always tell her where you most like to be stimulated, since only you will know that.


Good luck!

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