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Talking to yourself.

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What amount is healthy?


I ask because I have an embarrassing problem... or at least I think it's a problem. I think A LOT. I have so many thoughts going through my head. So... I have a tendency to yammer to myself about myself when I'm alone and I think nobody is around. However... I do seem to go on and on and since I don't want to keep these thoughts pent up, including what I think about others.


Is this healthy? Should I seek help? I feel pressured to do this because my room mate may have heard me doing this yesterday and woke him up. Some of my rambling was about him. Sad thing is, I didn't even know he was home. I'm sorta thinking that I'm crazy here and I should get help for this.

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Me, too. I tend to think waayy to much. But it's neccesary as I see it. I want to be a writer, so I have think a lot regardless. I don't think it's unhealthy to think too much. Regardless, if I am to talk with my thoughts outloud, I'll make sure to be alone, as people generally regard it as weird. But it's something we do, so I don't think it's totally unhealthy. Not, at all.

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I do the same thing. When I'm alone I sometimes start saying my thoughts out loud without even realising.


I think its fine so long as you dont do it in public & if you were actually talking to yourself and asking yourself questions like as if you were 2 people that would be kind of strange.


You are probably just feeling very embarrassed that your room mate might have heard. Make sure hes not home next time

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I suspect the fact you're asking if it's okay means you're perfectly okay.


I do this sometimes too. And it's a huge surprise when somebody answers if you thought you were all alone!


I never seem to have very intelligent answers to my own questions though ... you think I'd know better than to ask myself!

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I like to talk to myself.

Even on my last job they noticed that - since there was 4 of us in a same room. Like I am working in Excel and I say silently: hm, I should put this in another cell. And than they go: what? I say: oh, nothing.

You know what, I usually tell people how the smartest convos you can have are the one you're having with yourself.

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I think ALOT to myself... especially whenever I'm waking back and forth to classes and stuff (at the university)

However, I never actually talk outloud, but I think I have a bit of a humerous conversation going on in my head the entire time.....

As for speaking outloud, if you are simply discussing your thoughts I doubt its anything.. err... abnormal...


However, if you are actually considering yourself as two diffrent people you might be experiencing some kind of split personality disorder, I can't think of the name off the top of my head, but its nothing too serious. Dissociation!!! there it is!! (I think) If you continue to reinforce Dissociative behavior, I defintely don't think it is healthy..... So ya, I guess it depends on your reasons for doing it


Either way, if you are recognizing it, it probably isn't anything, but as the other posters said... Don't wake your room mate up!!!!!

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lol I talk to myself sometimes too, especially when I'm out shopping for groceries or at the mall. I'll constantly remind myself on what I need to get and would just repeating that to myself. And sometimes when I shop for clothes I'd be like "hmmm should I get the pink one or the black one? I dunno . . . " It's as if I'm asking myself for my own opinion or something.

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I tend to talk to myself in times of stress. Most of the time it's profanities....if I can't get a package opened I'm usually telling myself:


"Come on! @#&* @*$% "


Or I'll say sarcastic things to myself.


I think talking to yourself is pretty normal but if you find that it gets you in trouble, you might want to write in a journal instead, that way you can get all your thoughts out , but your roommate won't be able to hear it.


When I'm home alone I talk to my cat a lot more than I talk to myself. I guess that could be considered "abnormal".....




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Hey, I read somewhere that it is totally normal and healthy to talk to yourself -- for example, if you have a problem, some people are more likely to find resolutions to that problem by talking it out, be it to yourself or to someone else. This same article said that if you feel a bit awkward about talking to yourself, you might consider getting a plant or a fish and talk to it instead. My sister said she'd still feel weird but to each his own, I guess.

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