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Creative Valentine's Day gift ideas...hand made

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So it's nearing that time of year again...and I want to make something special for my boyfriend. I can go out and buy him something along the lines of a cutesy teddy bear, chocolate, somehow incorporate his favorite football team in there, etc...but that seems too cliche ](*,) I've been brainstorming various ideas that are creative, something I can make myself to show how much I love him that will mean a lot more to him than a teddy bear.


My question is this, in the past, what creative things did you do for your valentine? If you guys could, please share some stories & creative gift ideas

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one good idea is to type out 365 things that you love about your man. cut them out, fold them, and stick them in a (decorated?) glass jar. every day he can pick one out and read one reason why you love him so much.


kinda mushy, though, but it seems that's what you're looking for (ya know, with mentioning the teddy bear and all . . . i'm not saying this in a bad way).


another idea-- some stores sell those love cupons. but you can easily make up a coupon book yourself. it'd be good because you can really personalize the coupons.


another idea-- buy a scrap book and fill it in with pictures of you two, ticket stubs, and all other memorabilia-type stuff.

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I dressed up in my nurses tunic (without the trousers), knee high boots, make up, hair styled ect(one of his fantasies), had a candlelit dinner waiting, bottle of champagne, gave him a full body massage, gave him 14 cards with I owe you's on them ranging from sexual favours to taking him to the cinema to taking him to a museum that he liked and then we had a bath together.

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What I plan on creating this year (Possibly for our actual aniversary, not so much Valentines day) was a torch with a hidden message infront of the globe and red see-through stuffs to make the outline of the text red saying something along the lines of "I will always love you" or something and give her the torch with a message written on the side of it saying "Let me be your light in the darkest of times"

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I think a teddy bear is more of a girl thing unless there is some special in-joke? If he's a sports fan, get him tickets to his favorite team If he's a bit more romantic, you can make a hand-made card with colour photocopies of pictures of you two together.

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Chocolate fondu!!!

With LOTS of different kinds of fruit: Strawberries, mango, kiwi, raspberries, apples, orange cubes, pears...

Its a good idea to add to any romantic night and fun for both of you!


If you want to give him something wrapped up, bake TONS of stuff for him that he can keep in the freezer if he wants. Like all of his favorite cookies and squares, all from scratch. Put it in a huge container and wrap it in a big box with a fancy bow. Make them cheesy heart shapes with pink icing and stuff like that though haha! Men love food, no doubt about that!


Dont forget the rose petal path to a sexy you in lingerie on the bed!

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