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Follow Me

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Everything posted by Follow Me

  1. Running away is not a good philosophy. Get up in her face. Walk straight up to her and tell her how you feel. Since this is during work hours, you obviously can't deal with it how it should be dealt with, so be a little professional. "If you can't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
  2. Religions are manifested by man. If you want spirituality, go straight to the source. Every religion has one thing in common. They all pray. So get on your knees and pray about your questions. Your answers will be revealed in time. Try different churches until you find one that is comfortable to you. They will all try to sway you to their beliefs. I converted from a strong Irish Protestant family to Mormonism. I tell you, it doesn't sit well at all with my family, but I've never been happier. I also suggest to educate yourself on that religion. Historical aspects. For example, did you know that the Bible was actually created several hundred years after Christ died? An emperor named Constantine summoned all the major religious leaders of the time and they "edited" the Bible. There are books that aren't in it.
  3. First of all, you both are legal adults. His grandma is not stopping him from putting the car in his name (unless she owns it). She is not stopping him from moving out as well. My advice is to remove yourselves from that atmosphere. Get your own place. Also, talk to your BF. Don't be demanding, but explain that you would appreciate if he stood up to her and told her the facts about the rumors she is starting. I think if you both had your own place, and visited the grandma occasionally (vs being around her all the time) it would benefit everyone. Once she sees you making it on your own and that you make her grandson happy, she will calm down. She doesn't want to lose one of her "babies". I think she would act this way towards any woman dating her grandsons.
  4. A cheating woman? Cheating is the worst thing one person can do to another. I got you covered. This deserves more than just a standard break up. I have experience in this arena. Listen close my friend: 1) Pick one day in the week when you both are free. Tell her you're going to spoil her. Light some candles, etc. Have great sex all day long. Then tell her you are taking her out to dinner. Tell her you got the bill and have her leave her phone and wallet at home. No phone = no distractions on your date and no wallet because you are paying. Pick the nicest and most expensive restaurant you can find. Make sure it is FAR from where she lives. I highly suggest a drive of one hour or more. When you get there order the most expensive thing on the menu, along with a good bottle of champagne. Tell her to do the same. Act like you are having a blast. Once all the food is gone and you are full, say you have to use the bathroom. Get out of her sight, and then get the hell out of there! Drive home in your car, smiling the whole way. Imagine how long she will sit there thinking how she can get away with cheating AND how she has you wrapped around her finger. After she finally catches on, she will be stuck with no phone and no money. No way to get home, and no way to pay the bill. This is the least she deserves for betraying you, right? For an added touch, maybe leave a note somewhere that she will find it saying "You should have thought about this when you were cheating on me! How does it feel?!?!" 2) Change your locks and your phone number. Make sure to get all of your hard valuables from her. Money and credit cards and the like. Let her keep all the lovey-dovey letters and crap as a constant reminder of what she lost. 3) Throw all her crap into the dumpster. 4) Meet a new girl who will not cheat on you. One that makes you happy.
  5. End this. Now. You most certainly can ask her to stop being friends with him. He obviously wants to be more than a friend if he is paying for her to see him. They will be staying together? If this were me, I would threaten to break up with her if she didn't stop talking to him completely. Big red flag. Another one. Don't threaten him, he's not the problem. Threaten to leave her if she doesn't stop. Don't let her visit him, and don't let her talk to him. If she can't stop doing this then that says something about her relationship with him.
  6. But this is inevitable no matter what. You guys are close enough that a split in whatever romantic ties you have would be devastating. You care for the guy and I assume he feels the same way towards you, so have at it. I don't think this is morally wrong at all. Just inconvenient circumstances. Throw caution to the wind on this one and have fun. Your parents are adults so let them just deal with it.
  7. I don't look for my ex on myspace, or anywhere. By looking at it you are stirring up feelings. The feelings may be resentment or hostility, but he can obviously still affect you. At least you aren't with him now that he is showing his true colors. Let him be someone else's problem.
  8. I was just pondering this. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing that exact second you knew you were in love with your partner? I remember mine. It was during that camping trip. We both needed time away from the real world, so we went camping way up in the mountains, 3 hours away from civilization. I remembered a cliff my father showed me when he used to take me to that same mountain lake as a kid. We spent the day fishing and then at night I showed her that cliff. It was several thousand feet to the bottom. But you couldn't see the bottom. We climbed onto a rock about 15 feet above where the trail ended. There was nothing in between us and falling to our death. The wind was blowing about 30 mph. We were actually inside of a cloud. All of the stars were out, and they were all you could see. It felt like we had left the planet. I'll never forget the look on her face when I told her to open her eyes. This was the exact second that I fell completely in love with her. Where were you?
  9. Sure. Both my grandfathers were in WW2. That's a bit of a stretch for me though. I don't have any ill feelings towards any minority. The only scenario I can think of that ties in to your post is this; Whenever I'm on a plane or a bus, and I see a guy with a turban on, or hear that accent, my ears perk up. I don't fall asleep like normal. And I make sure to get a seat somewhere close, to observe. I don't think I'm being judgmental, just utilizing good situational awareness.
  10. I mean any kind of better. Your version sounds good. What I mean is just "better" in all it's simplicity. My ex cheated on me, so I threw her stuff out the door, broke up with her, and moved on to find someone who would never betray me like that. Her physical actions are better, and her spirit is much more pure.
  11. The point of breaking up with someone and moving on is to find someone better. thereforeeee the previous gf or bf can't be better then the current, if I did the math right.
  12. You broke up with him, and you didn't do it in person. You are also trying to shift the blame onto him. That's why he won't return your emails. Would you want to be his friend if he did this to you?
  13. Try some happy pills. And chocolate. My fiance glared at me when I suggested during her "time" that she make a sandwhich out of them. Midol in the middle, chocolate outside.
  14. Of course it's your business. Why would she bang someone else if she loves you? Granted, you were broken up, but to have sex with someone right after the breakup, then change their mind and propose? There's quite a gap in her thinking process. Find out about it. Another reason why it's your business is, if she slept with this guy in the small amount of time you weren't together, there's a good chance she didn't know him that long, or that well. Ever think of diseases? Get her tested. Then test yourself.
  15. So pack on muscles and wit! Twice as nice. You don't have to look like Popeye (post spinach). You don't have to do it to look tough or to get more girls, do it for yourself. You don't need to do research to know that you live longer and are happier if you exercise frequently.
  16. Karma? No good deed goes unpunished.
  17. How about this... What's one physical feature besides being tall and good looking that guys strive for? Muscles! Since you can never be tall, and I'm not gay so I won't comment on your looks, get some decent guns. Start lifting high weight low reps and get big. That won't fix your height problem, but it will give you something to bring to the table. After thta just find a chick who is 5'1'' or shorter. Short guys can be successfull too. Such as Gary Coleman. He's a millionaire. And Napolean. Just don't invade Russia.
  18. Simple. They were too lazy to fly themselves south for the winter. They were catching the Red Eye to Miami.
  19. I would do both. Put a minimum into the IRA to open it. Put 50% into the IRA. Open the 403B with your employer. Put the other 50% in here. That way you gather interest on both. Once you quit your job (I'm under the assumption that it's short term and temporary) roll the 403b over into your IRA. You won't have any penalties. If you withdraw funds from either, they will traditionally charge you 10% penalty.
  20. Somethings wrong. When I'm with the fiance, I get hard 4 or 5 times a day. Just from doing normal stuff. Doesn't matter if were having an awesome day, or a horrible fight and not on speaking terms. I can always count on the little guy.
  21. Sounds good. Maybe I will get a tux for some of the pictures.
  22. Shower drain. Or if you don't like your roommate, they're bottle of shampoo. They will never know. I wouldn't know, it's not like I've done that before!
  23. My fiancee and I had a huge fight just now. It was so stupid. I am in the military, and I am going to wear my dress blues to our wedding. This is very common. Well, she doesn't want me to. She won't say why. I am letting her plan this entire wedding her way, and this is the only thing I wanted. I converted to her religion (one that I was raised to dislike. a decision that my family makes fun of behind our backs.) I let her pick out the exact ring she wanted. And I am an all around good person with her. I just wanted this one thing. The whole premise of the fight was not me wearing my uniform or not, it was the fact that I feel that sometimes things can be unfair. Of course we both brought up stuff form the past and it turned into a huge debacle. But she thinks I'm being incredibly unfair because I won't wear a tuxedo like everyone else does, especially when I've supported every decision she's made.
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