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My name is Osama. I am 21, and I had a girlfriend with 2 kids. I was with her for 2 years. My family (completely different culture) and her family hated each other. My parents went as far as disowning me for being with her, so i stayed with her. I was disgusted by her habits and what she spends her time doing. What used to one day be a day in which i would come home and find her dressed up to me now dissappeared. I used to walk to my apartment door after a long hard day at work. I would smell the food cooking before i entered the house. Then i would walk in and she would greet me, and take me to the kitchen where my warm dinner was layed out for me. Then she would draw my bath, slipp me in to my pajamas and lay me down next to her. In the morning i would awake with breakfast for me, my lunch packed for work, and my work clothes neatly ironed. Now we spend our time infront of the T.V. rotting. Our once healthy foods are now replaced with Microwave dinners. I watch her put on the weight, and i watch her become sadder. I try to pull her out of it, but she has gone to far. She now sits depressed and alone. I asked her why and she says, "something that happened to me when i was a kid."

I cant help but to think that she has been molested by her grandpa, but she wont tell me. I left her


The other reason why i broke up with her is because she is Israeli, and i am Palestinian. We fight to much in politics. I feel bad for leaving her. She does not want me to leave her and i really want to stay with her.




I want to finish college, work, and become successful, and i cant with her. But i love her.

Am i doing the right thing?

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Wars are made by people not by God, mixing politics with your marriage is a bad thing. Couples are supposed to love eachother, and arguments are like poison to the relationship, in which you two only have brought darkness and hatred into eachothers lives. Breaking up with her because she is Israeli = rediculous, you do that just because your family pressurizes you to do so. Your family hasn't been supporting your happyness, nor did her family do so with her. So no wonder she is depressed, all you do is make eachothers lives miserable (counts for entire Israel and palestina by the way) We are all humans and should treat eachother like God has asked us, namely by loving and helping eachother.


Your wife is depressed, and it is time see sees a psychiater to deal with her depression, and you should support her in times of need , not abandon her. Don't listen to your family, they have no right to critisize with whom you want to be. God is love, not hate.

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