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bad day already any advice

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ok today is horrible i miss her terribly been having dreams all weekend....i want to unblock her emails just in case she does email she wont think i am a bad guy........as much as i want to callher i know that will be ugly



its raining


work is irritating me


my brother is on my last nerve


and i am not happy


i guess missing her and her closeness is really eating at me i miss it all!!

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stay strong kickedin - im where you are today and i know it;s not a good feeling. i know you want to talk to her so badly but i know if i talk or contact my ex im only going to be going back to square 1. just as today is a bad day, tomorrow might be a little better, then hopefully eventually the good days wil outnumber the bad ones in time, but we have to stay strong today

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kik trust me, I know your pain. When i was in your situation every in the world irritated me, even the simplest things. Nothing anyone told me could change what I was feeling, or change the non-stop thinking of my ex. I thought about him constantly, about our all good times, but the thing I should have been doing is thinking about how hes hurting me. And asking myself why I deserve this pain. Why do they deserve to be happy, while you lose sleep and hate the world. It will get easier, maybe not anytime soon, but it will. Start looking at the big picture, shes doing this to you, shes causing you this pain. If someone truly loved you would they would never want to see you hurt!

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i understand kickedin - i had split with my ex twice before, again, at the same time each year. i still miss him and its been 5 months this time, but have only just gone into complete NC (day 4). i know he is no good for me at all and if we sorted it, i am pretty sure id be here again this time next year. it doesnt take the pain in our hearts away unfortunatley, but like me, im sure you know if i dont stay strong now you could be here over and over again in the future. i know the pain is awful though, especially because you gave her a second chance. i was made many promises about how things would change - they never did for long, so i also feel angry at him as he now has someone else...one day at a time...we will be happy again

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kik trust me, I know your pain. When i was in your situation every in the world irritated me, even the simplest things. Nothing anyone told me could change what I was feeling, or change the non-stop thinking of my ex. I thought about him constantly, about our all good times, but the thing I should have been doing is thinking about how hes hurting me. And asking myself why I deserve this pain. Why do they deserve to be happy, while you lose sleep and hate the world. It will get easier, maybe not anytime soon, but it will. Start looking at the big picture, shes doing this to you, shes causing you this pain. If someone truly loved you would they would never want to see you hurt!


i know .....i dont think she wants to hurt me i just think she got in tooooo deep with me and knows this is hurting me but if she doesnt want it what are her options? stay in it and be unhappy aor leave hurt me and eventually we will both be happy?


she is just so wishy washy that sometimes i feel that she will come back as soon as i deliver on my promises i made about my career.....kinda of proving my word instead of talking which was happening...(i guess she saw me making empty promises)

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Hi there kickedin,


You sound like you are in quite a similar position to myself. I also split up with my ex once before, we got back together and split again just before Christmas for much the same reasons we did in the first place (namely my insecurity).


I happen to work with my ex so it's quite odd, I've had a few weeks off work and was doing just fine. Back to work today and I'm now sat 20 feet away, again...everything was going fine. Having read quite a bit on these forums I'd decided to try and move on, or at least give her the impression I was moving on for my own sanity if nothing else. However, she popped over earlier to chat and it's not helped one bit. I almost feel like telling her to just leave me alone, but I don't think that would help at all.


The only advice, at present, I can offer and it certainly works for me - is music. Along with all the other tips people leave on here one effective thing for myself that I've not seen posted elsewhere (having basically got drunk for a month which had little positive impact). Thus I find myself playing music in the shower in the morning and singing my heart out to it. It sounds contrived, maybe ridiculous, but it really does seem to pick me up. I'm trying all sorts of other stuff - the usual distraction stuff, I've decorated a bit, changed some things around at home - that type of thing.


That aside I've just faced the one true fact that there is. I'm no longer with her and have to simply face that fact. If she comes back to me and asks to try again, then great - in the meantime the break has at least given me the kick I needed to do things for myself and stop having my happiness so dependent on someone else. I'm starting to find my true self again and if anything that should mean I'm not going to find myself in this position again (with her). If she never comes back then hey, I'm still a better person for it. Typing this is far easier than actually living by it, I'm well aware of that, but all I keep doing is reminding myself of those facts and hoping for the best.


So, my advice is, listen to music (and no, not 'your song' or anything else specific to you guys!), sing along and just keep reminding yourself that whatever the outcome - i.e. whether you get back together or not - you'll be a better person.


Take it easy.

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HEY this is an easy one!



Dance around the house in your underware with the music turned WAY up...



You will feel great afterwords AND you will laugh yourself silly when you realize your in yoru skivies! HA HA HA Ha



Cheer up....THINGS WILL GET BETTER....I promise!





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