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Hey all,


So I've taken a hiatus from these forums for a month or so. Its been great! In mid Decemeber I met with my ex and tried to have a heart to heart with her. I understand she can feel however she wants to, I was just struggling on wondering if it was right or wrong for me to try and make the effort for a friendship. After we met for dinner it seemed very clear that she wanted me in her life and realized the effort must go both ways. Well, in line with how she has always acted, shes all talk. Her acting like this is really worse IMO opinion than just telling me straight up she is not interested in a friendship with me. That would have been disappointing, but I would have appreciated the honesty rather than the BS I got from her.


So I decided that I am done with this girl. I didnt feel the need to tell her any of this, I was just done with her immaturity - thats what I see her behavior as. What is great is that I have met a new woman who I have been seeing for a little over a month now. She lives an hour an a half away, which can be frustrating at times. But in general I feel the distance is a good thing at the moment.


So over the holidays I did not contact my ex, which is a drastic change from the last couple years. Honestly, i didnt really think about her at all that week. But then I get a message from her telling me she lost her phone, so she didnt have my number to call and wish me a Merry Christmas and Happy new Year. She also said that she would see when she came back into town for school. That was on New Year's Eve. I did not respond.


Now the way I see it, if she wanted to call me she could ave called me - my number is on my facebook profile, and thats where she sent me the message! I just dont understand her - either make the call or dont, but dont send a message after the fact making an excuse as to why she didnt call. I dont need excuses....I just see all this as just being immature. I feel like her motivation for contacting me is simply to make herself feel like she is being a good person, which she is not. She honestly hasnt been for a very long time towards me, but I bent over backwards making excuses for her.


Bottom line: reading that message brought my mind back to her when it hadnt been on her in a while. Maybe thats what her motivation was. I know she must have been expecting me to contact her over the holidays, and I have a feeling she know I have been seeing someone else. I guess I see her contacting me as a way to reassure herself that she is still #1 in my heart.


She isnt.

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