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I have no better title than "what should I do?"

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Well, heres the problem, My girlfriend went to a new years party... Wait let me start off by saying first of all I'm 17 and shes 15, so yea we're young but dont get parenty about it please because I need help badly. Ok heres the deal, I moved to North Carolina (from california) about 3 months ago. I have to wait until Im 18 before I can move back... So anyways my girlfriend went to this party and made out with some other guy while she was drunk..... ok whatever I can deal with a kiss if I get an apology. But then her friends took her phone away and called me telling me that she was giving this guy head... Obviously I was distraught at the idea, so then I got stressed out, puked like 5 times and couldnt sleep all night. When I called her the next morning and asked her what had happened she insisted that after they kissed and she pushed him off after realizing what she was doing (which she told me about already) they didnt do anything else and she didnt go near him the rest of the night. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, because I love her and am hoping that I can trust her more than I can trust her friends. So today i got a call again (after some myspace jibber jabber) from the same friends of hers again, but this time saying that she had sex that night and yadda yadda yadda about how they were sorry and everything but that she was never honest with me and all this other stuff. I guess I just need to know who to believe, I dont want to be in love for no reason, and she is outraged that i even listened to them. Shes also pissed off at them for telling me that but I dont know whether its because it happened or because theyre trying to ruin our relationship. I just am really confused and know i'm being fed lies from somewhere, i just cant triangulate the source i suppose. Like that saying bros over hoes or whatever, do her friends think i am bad for her? Because it seems to me that if they were her friends they would be doing what she wanted them to do, and this would be not telling me obviously. I just dont know what to think.

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The getting drunk and kissing another guy would have done it for me. Break it off. The rumors of sex/ head would just be extra icing on the cake... which wouldnt even matter at that point its already over.


Just my opinion.... you are both young, I think you can find a functional relationship without the drama.


Also do you live near each other or is it long distance?

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OK, let's look at it like this:



1) they hate your girlfriend and they are trying to hurt her in some way by lying to you, or

2) they hate you and want to hurt you even though your gf is telling u the truth or

3) your girlfriend is lying


in every case, there's a lot of immaturity going around and you won't know the truth sitting in another state. So probably you should consider ending it, at least until someone (or a lot of people) grows up...

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Well... it is long distance until April when I go back, but I dont want to end a year and a half because of something im uncertain of, and im definitely not willing to end it because of a drunken kiss. And yes her friend (edna) hates me because i talked * * * * about her diabetes (which she got from being a lazy fat * * * * *) so her other friend vince (who is "dating" edna) is pissed cuz i was "DiSsIn On HiZ gUrL" and the other guy is vinces cousin, so they all hate me, which leads me to believe that they are the liars. Have you guys ever heard the expression "bro's over hoes"? It can apply to girls too im sure, like even tho a relationship can break because of sexual misconduct, a friendship can survive even tho the friend in question destroyed a relationship, and I'm sure she realizes that. For instance if I didnt talk to my g/f for 3 months and then called.... chances are she'd be like "why the * * * * do you call now? you * * * * * * *!" and hang up. But if i didnt talk to one of my friends for 3 months and then called theyd be like "hey man whats up, where have you been lately?" and everything would be alright. These particular friends are super bad for her tho, i saw it even before i pissed them off, just not a good crowd.

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If her friend is telling nasty lies in order to break up her relationship with you, that is no a case of "bros over hoes". My girlfriends have always come before guys. They are the ones who have been there for me when the relationships didn't work out. But my friends treat me with respect and honesty. If they lied in an attempt to break up a relationship, I would not continue the friendship.


Regarding your situation, is it possible for you to approach both Edna and your gf at the same time? Get them in the same room and discuss this. From their reactions you will likely be able to see who is lying. Another option is to wait and see if your gf's friendship with Edna continues. If they remain friends after this, then I highly doubt that Edna was lying.

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Yowch, sorry MMFM. I wanted ot reply to your thing earlier before your last post b/c I was in a very similar situation a long time ago. That whole is she or he cheating or not is a horrible conflict to have, but the friends of hers aren't helping the situation any. A person who is really concerned for your well-being won't just dangle info like that in front of you without checking to see how it will affect you first. And, obviously, a person who really cares about you doesn't hook up with people even drunkenly at parties. Hope your next GF is more mature and less into drama.

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