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Day 9


Just back from a few days holiday with my parents which was a nice break away from things. Still managing to maintain no contact. I got home last night and my housemate told me that my ex had played soccer on Saturday (he had agreed not to play this season so we wouldn't have to see each other round the club 'out of respect for me' - so obviously the 'respect' is fairly minimal). Apparently he asked how I was. It frustrates me that he tells me one thing and does another - I wish he'd just be honest about what he's doing.


On Friday I dropped some stuff round at his place - I wanted to do it on a weekday so I knew I wouldn't run into him. It was horrible seeing where we used to live. I just dumped the stuff and got out of there as quick as possible.


I bought myself a big LCD TV and home theatre system yesterday so I was playing with that last night - so nice to have something really new and fancy to play with! I also started my new degree on Monday so it's been a big week. Hopefully it's the start of a new chapter.


I'm also going to see a counsellor tomorrow - don't know what to expect as I've never been before but hopefully it will be positive and help me to move on.

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7 Days and feel ok


Played football last night in a league game and felt great. Exercise really does help although I am suffering for it this morning!


Tired of all the games the ex plays and really had enough, so very confident about NC now.


Hit the big 30 on Saturday, and have a few good friends joining me for a night out so looking forward to that!


Take care everyone

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DAY 15... more importantly the ex's birthday..LOL


Not made contact and do not plan to..


How does that song go.. it's my birthday and I can cry if I want too.. I hope she is having a great day!!!!! Is she at work today, I dunno... Is she out with her new guy for her birthday, maybe... Has she had lots of lovely pressies, maybe... Do I care, YES surprisingly.. I still care about her and I do hope she has a great time on her special day even if I am a bit bitter than it is not with me that she is spending it... Realised though that nothing I can say or do or have done can win her back, I am a nice guy and that was her choice.


I kinda feel empowered today a bit like a Power Ranger or something!! LOL. Will it do me any good firing off a little "Happy Birthday" text!! er probably not. I had planned a good while back to send this text "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Maria, Happy Birthday to you. Have a great day, Take Care.. Andy" but not sent it and wont and put it on here so at least I have put down what I was going to send somewhere just to get it off my chest...


Well end of Jan since the split and kinda feeling better and thanks for everyones support while on my own personal rollercoaster as it's been a bumpy ride but the ride seems to have slowed down somewhat and no need to hold on quite so tightly recently..


Take Care All, Andy

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Day 17 after sending sappy email to ex a week after we broke up. Actually I guess she initiated NC by not responding although we did the friendly text thing before the email.


As much as I want to contact her and get a clear answer, I can take a hint and don't plan on contacting her again.

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Hey Andy - I thought that was a power ranger in your avatar - love it!


Just think of all the cash you have saved by not having to spoil her on her birthday! Just go out and splurge it on you!


Keep strong.



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ok super dave im gunna PROPERLY take the challenge...i have been doing NC for weeks now cept i kept a sneaking at his faceparty profile (as he did mine) - guess its a case of im carrying his baby and just in some lil way im hoping he comes through for us...but why should i wait? there should be no decision to make on his part...this lil mite is beautiful, i look radiant and if wants to throw that all away for new flesh on faceparty then let him ey!


so this is a big step for me not to go on his profile ever again....but i think it needs to be done....its the only way!


so as from now its official...JADE STARTS DAY 1 THE NC CHALLENGE TODAY!!




ok no going back now hehe

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Hi Mark (Clabs) and Hi Ya SD...


Yeah added a Power Ranger, not sure I like that picture too much so may find another one!


You know what folks, I feel pretty damn good today. Had a big grin on me face most of the day and no idea why.. LOL


Just feel like I have got from a rock and a hard place to somewhere a bit better.. So SD what do you want me to spoil you with!! LOL


Well gone out and bought me some new walking boots today! Just joined this walking and climbing group for 20's and 30's and looking forward to our first get together mid jun and then if that goes well they are going to the peak district for a weekend end of june so that sounds good aswell... There are loasa of women in this group too..Hehe.. Had half a dozen emails off some of the ladies in the group already which did give me ego a slight boost! LOL


So to all out there, go out enjoy yourself while in NC and do some stuff you enjoy and join a group or something it's a great way of meeting new people...


Take Care All


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You being cheeky Miss Shoes..! LOL


I was in the Royal Logistics Corps and was a Radio Operator.. for me sins! Nah it was great. That was took in the docks we were stationed at in Croatia when awaiting a call to go to Bosnia. Sorry am I taking over the NC thread.. Oops, sorry SD!

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Thanks Jade, nice pic too..Hun.


So how you holding up?! You could always go for a paddle in that river of yours i'm sure that would cheer you up. You must be posh having your own river..!


Sorry I am being cheeky tonight, must be the prozac.. only kidding!

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hehe... well its not MY river just live in an apartment thats next to it...besides think its bit too cold...


and im more of a country moors girl meself...hence why i got myself out horseriding over them last weekend (yes yes im 14 weeks pregnant but i was on a safe sturdy lil pony that never gets past a slow canter) its just good to feel alive in days like these - jus wish i had abit more cash to go once a week hmmmmmmmmm

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Day 10


Double figures! (really it's day 40 though as I'd done 30 days before discovering this thread)


I'm finding that I'm thinking less and less about him which is good, although I still wonder if he's thinking about me. I've made such an effort to keep myself busy that I now rush from one thing to the next and don't really have time to think about him! I sometimes wonder though what I'd be doing if I was still with him and if we'd moved into the apartment we chose, whether I'd have gone back to uni and whether I'd have made some of the other plans I've made lately.


I was supposed to see a counsellor today but she has re-scheduled so I've got a reprieve there - I'm a little hesitant about it as I don't want to dwell on things for the sake of it, but I'm curious as to whether it will help me or not and how it all works.

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