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Day 0


It is with much regret that I have to come here and tell you guys that I failed I sent her a text today apologizing for being verbally abusive, and another one saying I hope we could be friends. She responded to the first one with "I know" and didnt respond to the second one. I'm not really sure what I hoped to achieve out of apologizing to her, but I just feel so bad for caving in an contacting her.

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Aldo, dont worry yourself about it. Just back to NC...


DAY 3..Woohoo..!


Feeling ok, my second attempt at reaching 30days NC so should make this one..!


Had a nice time on a date last night, she is not my type if being honest with myself but will see her as a friend and enjoy her company...

Out with a few mates later which should be fun and then a few beers after work tomorrow night and then over to another female friends to watch a DVD on Saturday so my social life is improving and having some fun.. Which is helping life after ex is ok after all.. Still miss her now and then but she knows where I am if she wants me and thats how I think these days!! I am sure her new man is keeping her company afterall!! LOL


Keep it up NC club...!

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i been doing NC For one whole month and she have came in contact with me twice...once visiting me at work and calling me in the morning...It seem like it was a tease why she did it...I saw her new man yestarday at the gym well he was leaving..He kept starin at me, i didn't know who it was until i realize his car..it made me really angry, it seem like those excuses to leave..Was jus plain excuses to leave me and make me hold on to hope after the break up...


I do miss her a lot but i am doing good with this no contact and the more i am going through each day without her ...the more i wont return to her, if she ever want me back...

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Rosie Your ex (from what I can see) is asking if you want to have sex with him.He said nothing about a relationship or that anything has changed since you have been apart.You will be letting him use you and you know that you deserve better than that.If you are with him that way again..I think not only will it bring back as much hurt as when it was over but even more so now because you are letting him do it again and you know what the consequences are.He is toying with you and will use you as long as you let him or until he finds someone else.You have come so far Rosie..don't throw it all away.

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Day 15 went by yesterday.

Was too busy too feel much of anything.


Day 16 was today.

Sadly I am having some hard thoughts these days, imagining her with someone else. Haven't really thought too much about that before, but now I am getting increasingly more worried I'll find out something like that, and I know it would kill me, as we have been together for so long. It would be horrible to see her move on that fast in such a case. Would make me feel really inferior. But then again, I guess I already do feel inferior...

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I know how you feel, my ex moved on really quickly too. She was already with the other guy only three days after she broke up with me. Now she's calling him her boyfriend, it really tore me up inside when I heard that, but there's nothing I can do about it, just like there's nothing you can do about it, so try not to let it get to you.

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It's coming up on 60 days for me here fairly soon, probably in the next week...I've stopped counting exactly now that the weeks are turning into months.


I am feeling so much better. Still have some bad moments, but note it's moments, not days anymore.


I'm hoping for some exciting changes in my life that will not involve relationships or dating, which will help healing further.

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Hey guys, I am on day 30 right now. I never officially joined in this particular challenge, but I did it on my own.


The key is to get involved in something else, become passionate about it, and the time just flies by. Before you know it you are going to be surprised that so much time has passed.


I had to have someone remind me that today was day 30. What a shocker.

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Day 4...

An okish day at work.. well it dragged a bit too be honest! LOL

Went for a few beers after work and I dunno why it made me feel like crap and decided to come home early! Might of been all those loved up couples mingling in the bar that didnt help!! Me female friend is playing hard to get too, one minute we are all on for tomorrow and then now I am not so sure as got no news on plans for tomorrow as yet! She sent me an email mid week saying cant do friday but can probably do saturday..? So I replied with yeah thats fine, maybe see you Saturday then.. She replied with Maybe? So I sent well I am free if you are but as you said probably was not sure you were free! Let me know what you fancy doing or something along those lines but had no reply now!! LOL.. Argh... I dont understand women at all I have begun to realise!! Hot and Cold syndrome! I think I am going to become a Monk!

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I've had thoughts of becoming a nun myself...I've just been attracting too many weird stories until now...and the last one is just ridiculous. Why the heck do I have to keep analyzing his every actions and words ??????

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Day 13


How could the hell I fall for such an unambitious man with no responsibility ? Feel so angry at myself...he got no tick on my lists but I fell for him, wanna bang my head to hard wall right now


Hey, Mr Ex, should live with more responsibility, if u didnt live a good life in the past then should live it better now, be a man please..wanna say this straight to your face


How am I feeling now ? I dont know but I think I can take this challenge forever 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, years, centuries ...oops, I'll die by that time then lol


Back to my revision, Im going to see my JT tomorrow, woo hoo

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sign me up..


day 4 for me


though throughout the 4 days shes been calling and texting me asking me what was going on.


she left me a message today saying shes going to check up on me tomorrow because shes worried about me. what should i do??


I still do want her back so badly but at the same time I want to get over her if nothing is going to happen between us.

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Hi Trey

Welcome to the NC thread.. and good luck..


So will her contacting you make you feel better?? Does she want to get back with you or is she feeling guilty and wants to make sure your ok? Well it appears to be the latter at the moment. Ask yourself this, is her contacting me just to see i'm ok really helping you get yourself together?? Put it this way I slap you in the face and it hurts..! Do you want me to go away so that heals or do you want me to give you another slap in the face?! Do you get my point!! LOL

Well if I were in your shoes mate, I would speak with her when she calls or pops round whatever it maybe and be straight with her about you need time for yourself right now or just ignore her contact completely. You owe her nothing! She finished with you and does not want to be with you right NOW, sorry thats the hard facts mate! The biggest sign of your love for her is for you to drop off the planet as that is what she wanted right?? If then sometime down the road she wants you she will show you that she does.. Right now all your doing is getting slapped over and over and the hurt is never going away!

Take Care Mate.. Andy

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Day 5


I am ok today, got up and felt ok with things.. Felt a bit naff last night, I guess some days are good and some are bad.. Thats life eh!! Might going and treat myself to a new TV or go and look for whats out there today that will cheer me up!

Hope everyone is ok in NC world!

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ha thats great andy. wish i could splurge right now...


so i just texted her saying that she didnt need to check up on me and i was doing good without her. i also wished her good luck in the future.


that was so hard to do.


i thought that was the more logical thing to do. hope that was the right thing however. Id rather not see her and tell her in person. I would have just wanted to hug and kiss her as soon as i saw her face...

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