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Lol, I didn't mean it to sound like that...more that we've all said things we mean at the time but can't follow through with. Especially at 'this' time. I said I wanted to be friends with my ex...I really meant it when I said it, but not anymore - I was just caught up in wanting to still be part of his life.


Make sure you too stick to what you really think.



I do want to be friends with him...hes a great guy.

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Day 4 1/2


Here's something new. I kind of feel like a leper. I ran into some people I know this afternoon, and I suspect word of my break-up has gotten around. It didn't come up, but I felt really embarrassed. It's much easier meeting new people than seeing ones who know the 'in-a-relationship me.' I wonder why?

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Day 19, NC


Yesterday was sunday... for the most part it was a happy day. At night went out with friends (two couples) and felt a little weird and sad... I came back home, logged to my MSN and a friend of mine gave me the email of her date's sister, so I added her and decided to give it a try. Immediately we started talking, and what do you know? The girl is cute, funny and thinks the same about me too! We talked on MSN for hours, and she said it would be a good idea to go out and have fun with her sis and my friend, to know each other in person. Right now im not ready to start something new, so I decided I'll give it a try, I could make a very good friend...

It felt good to know that there are nice girls out there that can appreciate me for what I am...


OK, I have to admit it... I logged in to Myspace, but I didnt check out my ex's profile, just checked this new girl's profile, and she did the same. She even posted some funny comments about me... That will probably make my ex jealous, so I guess I should expect her to try to break NC... my ex has been doing strange things on myspace lately, posting stories about how much fun she has now (she never did that before)... so I sense she is trying to get that message to me... And to me thats more like a sign of desperation, as she obviously is trying to mislead me into thinking that she is doing fine without me... or maybe Im just thinking too much... I didnt look at her profile or pictures, I need my sanity... anyway, I think meeting this new girl will make it easier to get over my ex... I will only offer her (the new girl) friendship, because it wouldnt be fair for her if it becomes a rebound relationship... I need time to sort things out...

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Today is day 11 of the challenge for me and day 27 since I actually went NC. It amazes me that everyone on here says that it gets easier as each day goes by....why can't I feel that way? I suppose it is b/c I have done this SEVERAL times since the break up which was over a year ago....and HE has always broken NC.....so I feel like I am just sitting here waiting for something....like waiting for the other shoe to drop kinda feeling. I feel tempted today to contact him.....ugg! I think it is b/c 27 days is darn close to the longest we have ever gone w/out contact.....I think 30-37 days is about the longest.....how sad that I know that ha? I am OBSESSING over the thought that maybe the way I brushed him off (I was polite, but firm) a week and a half ago when he approached me in a parking lot is what pushed HIM over the edge and maybe he has no intentions of EVER contacting me again. My stance w/ him right now.....and how it has been for months ....is that I don't want to be buddy-buddy talking to him each day and night....either we commit to reconciling....or nada.....A few weeks ago he told me that he had been really thinking about us reconciling....then a few days later he acted like he never said that!! Crazy!! Is he just playing games or is he REALLY this confused and if so how long will he stay confused? This is driving me nuts....just thought I would vent here again today. Instead of contacting him I am waiting for one of my girlfriends to come over so we can hit the gym!

Thanks to all of you on here for your advice and support during all of this!!

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OK, I have to admit it... I logged in to Myspace, but I didnt check out my ex's profile, just checked this new girl's profile, and she did the same. She even posted some funny comments about me... That will probably make my ex jealous, so I guess I should expect her to try to break NC... my ex has been doing strange things on myspace lately, posting stories about how much fun she has now (she never did that before)... so I sense she is trying to get that message to me... And to me thats more like a sign of desperation, as she obviously is trying to mislead me into thinking that she is doing fine without me... or maybe Im just thinking too much... I didnt look at her profile or pictures, I need my sanity...


What do you guys think about that?

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The fact that you ask that question..means that YOU YOURSELF have NOT started to move on as much as I had hoped. I am seriously happy that you had a great time...but I can read that you say:


"That will probably make my ex jealous, so I guess I should expect her to try to break NC... my ex has been doing strange things on myspace lately, posting stories about how much fun she has now



My question is...Who cares about her motives? If its games you guys wanna play...NC is NOT for you.


NC is for you my friend....it is not a tooll or a game to get an ex back...


Let you ex..be your ex. YOu have no time for this an dwhy in the world should you even WORRY about such trite little comments by your ex.


Are yo unot going out and having fun? Do you find it necessary to display them on a website for ANYONE to read?


For you to even be concerned about this means you are STILL letting her get to you. LET GOOOOOOOOO!



You can do this...and stay the HECK away from MYSPACE....I HATE THAT CRAP!!


Ya know..I actually had a friend turn me down for dinner once...they said they didn't have enough time.....I asked "What are you doing now?" They said updating their MYSPACE page...


Needless to say.....they will NOT be asked to dinner again.


ha ha ha





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Are yo unot going out and having fun? Do you find it necessary to display them on a website for ANYONE to read?


For you to even be concerned about this means you are STILL letting her get to you. LET GOOOOOOOOO!


You can do this...and stay the HECK away from MYSPACE....I HATE THAT CRAP!!


You know what SD? You are a 100% right...

I stopped using myspace so I wouldnt know about her and also so she wouldnt know anything else about me. Im going to stop fueling mind games and stay off myspace. I should just keep living my life to the fullest and let the chips fall where they may... Anyway, Im having second thoughts about getting back with her...


thanks for the advice!

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Hi there. I was floored. It was only dinner with a friend of mine but I was upstaged for a website.


Oh, I forgot to say, but I met my ex because of Myspace... A friend of mine convinced me to put up a profile, and two days later my now ex GF saw me in my friend's profile and started talking to me and the rest is history...


funny, uh? never imagined I would meet a girl like that...

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I also technically met my ex through myspace. He knew one of my best friendds already, and added me because he was doing a charity music festival. I was in a bad mood and went to have a go at him, saw this mutual friend and we started talking. I also never thought that I would meet someone like that.


I fully intend not to meet anyone else that way. I'd rather meet someone face to face at the same time I'm meeting them for the very first time! A lot of our relationship ended up being online after that...with msn and emails. Not something I particularly want to go through again. It was a lot more noticeable that he was ignoring me.

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I also technically met my ex through myspace. He knew one of my best friendds already, and added me because he was doing a charity music festival. I was in a bad mood and went to have a go at him, saw this mutual friend and we started talking. I also never thought that I would meet someone like that.


wow, I tought I was the only one hehehe.

Yeah, I prefer to talk to people on the phone, not on MSN... I had a couple of small arguments with my ex because of things I wrote that she misunderstood...

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I went back and read some posts.

and some of what I focused on was the fact that most people regret braking NC.

Wonder if this is something thats going to happen to me?

of course..I cant predict the future (boy, I wish I could..hahaaha)

I re-read the Rules... I will let everyone know what happens.

At this point..I kind of regret it

I will most likely start NC all over..not because things went badly..but because I still have healing to do--Im only half way there..I have to be completely free of the hurt and mis-trust in order to be friends with him. which deep down is the goal....Im not entertaining any thoughts of getting back together. In a way I think talking to him helped because I heard a lot of the same old same old, but his actions were different..then again as i posted earlier....Its only been 2 days.

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