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Day 7 Complete! One Week Down!

Day 8 Starting


Well, its been a week. Still thinking about her, though not as much. Kinda hurt she hasn't tried contacting me at all, but I shouldn't be. I guess all I can do is stay NC and not be the first to make contact, that's the one thing that I DONT want to give her the satisfaction of.

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Morning of day 3.


I start the mornings in 'survival' mode and I'm definitely there today. I wake early in the mornings after having dreams about him and can't get back to sleep. I am so angry that he has hurt me like this. Usually by late afternoon my mood has lifted and I am back to my normal cheery self, however as I go to sleep I am back in survival mode, I can't deny that that is bloody hard.

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Well I sent my ex last night a text at around 9:15 saying "hey, how did your exam go?"


She didn't reply last night. This morning at around 11:30 I got one that read. "My exam went well..... I think. But I feel better about it beucase no matter what, I stuck through it"


THis is 3 of the last 4 days we've had some sort of contact. IT's finally friendly again. No animosity.

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Ugh. Broke NC After 7 days. I couldn't handle it anymore. I read her livejournal and she was going on about how much she loved life right now. how much she loved her freedom, loved her self destructive impulsive nature, loved getting drunk. I signed onto AIM and she was online, didn't say anything to me. I called her and she asked why I was calling her. Ugh


Made me feel like crap.


She is coming tomorrow morning to get the last of her stuff. I wont be able to sleep tonight. This is why you shouldn't break NC.

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Ugh. Broke NC After 7 days. I couldn't handle it anymore. I read her livejournal and she was going on about how much she loved life right now. how much she loved her freedom, loved her self destructive impulsive nature, loved getting drunk. I signed onto AIM and she was online, didn't say anything to me. I called her and she asked why I was calling her. Ugh


Made me feel like crap.


She is coming tomorrow morning to get the last of her stuff. I wont be able to sleep tonight. This is why you shouldn't break NC.



Take it as a learning lesson...don't beat yourself up over it....dude, get some sleep, take a sleepin pill if you have too...do you have to be home when she comes there tomorrow? can you leave her stuff at the doorstep? if not have it all ready at the door for her...and be prepared to put on a great act tom. morning if you have to face her...you gotta be confident and positive boy! remember, its her loss!!!

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Ugh. Broke NC After 7 days. I couldn't handle it anymore. I read her livejournal and she was going on about how much she loved life right now. how much she loved her freedom, loved her self destructive impulsive nature, loved getting drunk. I signed onto AIM and she was online, didn't say anything to me. I called her and she asked why I was calling her. Ugh


Made me feel like crap.


She is coming tomorrow morning to get the last of her stuff. I wont be able to sleep tonight. This is why you shouldn't break NC.


oh my god man, me too. i didnt break my NC or anything, but after the breakup she kept talking about wanting to make bad decisions and what not and i'm like "what the f*ck!? why would you WANT to make bad decisions???"


i dont get it, but i guess that's where she is right now. i'm just hoping she grows out of it... but right now she's not in the right place to be with me or frankly anyone... that's helping with the NC but its still not easy.


look at it that way. it's not YOU with the problem, it's HER not being mature enough to have a real loving relationship right now. she's having to comfort herself with all of that fake stuff because she can't handle anything real. is that the kind of person you want to be with??

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DAY 11


wow. 11 days. thats a lot for me. only problem is i'm getting weaker and weaker. i'm feeling crappy and all i want is her back... i feel like it's this holiday season thing thats really getting me down most of all. hopefully i'll bounce out of this but i dunno. i just need to make it through 5 more days, then it will be 5 easy ones where i dont see her at all...

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Day 6


I had fun visiting my friend yesterday, and the long drive really let me clear my head. While there were no revelations, or even anything new for that matter, I really saw why this is all happening for the best! I'm taking back my life, and it feels great!


Today, I'm dropping off a box at UPS with her stuff in it (I'm sending it to her parent's house). I have dinner plans with my parents. I can't wait until Thanksgiving when I'm off for vacation in another country!



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Day#17 of NC

My ex has been calling every night since Monday. Last night, she called left me an message saying; "I hope you didn't hacked into my ebay account because my password doesn't work anymore". I was at work when I got that message and I just thought to myself, how childish can she be. She just wants to get reaction out of me that is all. I'm not going to give her the satisfication nor would I want to play her little game.


My ex text me this morning saying; "If I ever meant anything to you, then you wouldn't abandoned Adeline(ex's little girl)" My ex is just trying to use anyway to get to me that is all. I'm little down right now with all the bombardment from my ex. I will remain strong and continue with my journey becoming better person for myself.



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Back to day 1 of NC. she picked her stuff up, the last of it I think. It's amazing how good three little words can feel (i love you) and its amazing how much they can hurt at the same time. I was doing fine, being strong and everything up until I told her that I still loved her and as soon as she told me she loves me too I starting crying all over again. i hate this

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We still have one outstanding issue left but I don't have to contest it. I'm still deciding whether to fight or jsut let her suffer with the loss of me. She may not feel it now but down the road she'll be in miserable pain.


How do I feel? Well I'm going through sadness, anger, denial so all three of the first three stages.


I'm angry becuase my ex did somethign so damn foolish and is basically throwing away the best thing in her life.


I'm sad because I miss her a great deal we were best friends, lovers, confidants.


denial because it jsut seems like yesterday we weer on vacation in Hawaii and I was about to propose to her.

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Day 7


I dropped of my ex's stuff (clothes, slippers, and apartment keys) yesterday at UPS to ship to her parent's place. I really didn't feel any emotion either way, and I most certainly do not expect anything from her in return. Last night was a bit rough, however. I really had this intense feeling of missing her (or the "idea" of her), but I think it is because I'm stressed out about a project that I have coming due.


Not that I really believe in this stuff, but my horoscope today was just so fitting;


"It might not be what you want to hear, but you and a romantic partner may be more comfortable as friends. Don't try to continue a relationship if you are getting nothing out of it."


I wasn't getting an equal share out of my old relationship (call her the "taker"), and I don't even want a friendship unless she drastically changes!


Today I'm going to lunch with some friends, and then working on said project.



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what the muther * * * * er why the hell did i break NC!?!?!?!? granted it was only 4 words, but it was enough.


found out she was about to leave with my co-star (male) to go get high (something she'd NEVER DONE till now) after having consumed an ENTIRE bottle of wine. i know she's hoping to hook up w/ him and she KNOWS it'll hurt me because when we were together she joked about him being attractive and whatever and during one of our fights a while ago i said "just dont hook up w/ XXXXX" so she knows its a weak spot. well i heard she was leaving with him and said "you're getting high???" in that "what the hell are you doing" tone... god dammit.


F*ck her, she's changed into something f ucking disgusting. why is she still able to hurt me so badly!?


Back to Day 1. i just need to put this girl behind me for GOOD.

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Reddy,do you need a person like this in your life???? I say no!!

This person has absolutely no respect for you.

She is being cruel and very hurtful towards you.I say,move on Reddy and feel sorry for her,not hate her.

What goes around comes around,and she will pay the price one day,when it comes back to haunt her.

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you're right man. i mean at least i can take solace in the fact that she's gonna look back on all this with regret down the road. but yeah, it really is time to pick myself up and move on. i'm gonna send her every last thing of hers that's here and every gift she ever got me and just be done with this chapter.

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Well I know that I shouldn't have broken NC but I just couldn't resist sending it to him letting him know that. Why did I have to do that for?


It's okay, don't beat yourself up over it. You're not completely over him, and letting go is hard...


Honestly, if it wasn't for my breaking NC a few times, I wouldn't have realized how pathetic, irrational, and confused my ex was. Finding out in an e-mail that she had feelings for another guy was the best thing that happened to me, because it really gave me the kick in the pants I needed to move on. I really began to see her for who she was - selfish.


You'll still have up and down days, but keep going... Keep living your life and being happy. Take it one day at a time.



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