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Respectful opinions of Jehovah's Witnesses

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I was going to link to an excellent site, but it is now closed down. It was a JW information and recovery support site. The man who ran the site was under a lot of pressure from several sides. He provided information from all 'sides': JW literature, history, contact info, critisms, voices and essays of ex-members, children raised in a JW home. ...plenty of stuff.


There is so much information out there from all perspectives. Just google.


Personally, I mainly agree with McGyver. I would classify it as a cult.

However, I would also classify some of the more popular 'religions' as cults as well.

Strictly speaking, many religions fits the criteria.


I would also classify it as a destructive cult. Not everyone agrees on this point.

However, take a browse at the sheer mass of recovery groups, sites, and damage done by this 'religion'.


I also have a few close friends who were raised JW and chose to leave. So I learned and researched a lot, in order to understand the 2 of them.


Please learn the history and the source of the information behind the teachings.

That alone is very enlightening and gives perspective.


One of the most worrisome aspects of joining this group, in my eyes, is the indoctrination which takes place.

Questioning teachings is discouraged.

Repitition and Questions-with-ready-made-only-one-right answer is the mode of teaching.


I do see how Juliana made the connection to it and Islam. Much of the forms of teaching are the same, and a heavy belief that 'there is one literal truth to every question' is the same. generally speaking.


Just be careful. I do not believe this is a religion you simply dip your toes into.

You play with fire. You are out to be converted!

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Mac - Aren't ALL religions cults then?? Based on that definition?


Well - regardless, they are by MY defintion.


I think the OP should let her bf figure this out for himself. JW's are great people to talk to in my experiences.


What I've found though, is that, like anyone else I suppose, they don't like being mocked....They don't "roll with it" very well....so just don't do it.

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I do not think JW is a real religion.


What does that even mean? (And, by the way, the rest of your post clearly demonstrated that you are not informed regarding the beliefs of JW's. According to them, Jesus is not just a man. He was God's first creation and he helped God to create everything else that exists.)


Mac - Aren't ALL religions cults then?? Based on that definition?


I think a cult is basically defined as any religion that is not mainstream.

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Cult... cult.

A simple word. It's short and suscinct. It's easy to say and doesn't take-up much space. Great for the media to throw around and lends itself handy to print.


Just saying the word makes you conjure thoughts of the Mysterious, along with an aire of Danger. Some people are attracted to that as I can guess.


A simple word but with no clear cut definition far as I can see. To the point that Theologians of most denominations don't even like using it in describing any particular type of religion.


So I imagine it just comes to be a definition of whaterver a person wants it to mean.


And in my definition of a cult might be very different from other people in that the leaders of a cult would not only subscribe to stong-arm tactics to keep their members in line, (((but would also rather see them dead than lose them))). The last part being my most definative.


That said; Jonestown, Guyana (sp) and their leader Jim Jones would be the primary example of a cult to me.

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