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he stopped calling


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he called me yesterday nite. so i'm happy that he did. he said he's been having trouble w/his cell phone and wen he called me it was from his cousins phone. it was an akward convo though because i was upset and was trying to sound normal. we only talked for 2 minutes. but i'm glad he called. i feel better now. i hate how guys have so much control over my emotions. the minute i heard his voice on the line i started cheesing. lol...


He couldn't find a pay phone to contact you? E-mail? Some other way? I'd be careful with such excuses.

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UPDATE: I too, got a phone call from "the guy".........I just couldn't help being SO WITTY.........I was happy, relieved, and he was VERY apologetic, but I wasn't buying his lame excuse of "he was so busy working".......


uh huh......and my hair is blue.......right.


I was very nice, and simply told him he was too late.......and told him to take care.


That was it. I am sooooo happy!!!!!!!

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He couldn't find a pay phone to contact you? E-mail? Some other way? I'd be careful with such excuses.


That's what I'm saying.......I totally agree with you.......there is NO excuse unless you are dead or bleeding to death, which both cases are very bad......but you get me right????


No excuse for rude behavior.

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Well, the way I see it his excuses say it all - he is not that into her - if he was, he would have tried MUCH harder to get in touch with her because he would not have wanted her to feel rejected or the least bit concerned.


I dated from age 15 to age 30 where most people did not have cell phones and most people before the mid 1990s did not have regular e-mail access, etc. I didn't have an answering machine until 1992 and I didn't have work voice mail until 1994. Let me tell you - when a man wants to get in contact with you, he does. I had men leave messages with my parents (I lived at home until my late 20s), look up my number in the phone book if they lost it, call my job even if I had only pointed to the building I worked in, call me from a pay phone, etc etc.


And we didn't have call waiting either which meant they had to keep calling if it was busy. If they really liked you, they did. If they did not, they can have a cell, email, text messaging, a work phone and a land line and you will get "oh sorry my cell phone wasn't working." Give me a break.

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