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The Never Ending Mystery Of... A Woman's Butt =]

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Honestly, I never ever check out another girl's butt and think "oh, that's hot" or whatever. If I'm checking out a girl, I'm probably checking out her face/eyes/hair/breasts, but generally not even that. Usually my attraction comes from a feeling I get when I'm around them and looks are an added bonus.


I like eye contact and if a girl gives me a lot of that, the rest almost doesn't matter. Like this waitress a couple nights ago. Mmhmm. haha.


There was ONE time I checked a girl's butt out though, I will admit. It was my madly serious, first real super crush on a girl last summer. Oh, I checked her out. Every inch. I miss her. It was round, just like the rest of her, but not too big. Really nice in her tight work pants...


I HATE small, skinny girls. They gross me out, like I'm looking at 12 year old. I also don't like chubby girls. A nice, healthy in between girl with curves is the best.

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you other brothers can't deny


dat da 1at thang dey check out iz her back side.


Couldn't resist.


I don't really look for the butt. I look at the eyes and her personaility.


Butts only catch my eye if their in plain sight (aka. low pants which is absolutely disgusting) or out of proportion with the body.


It's a fun place to [discreetly] put your hands though (on your partner) when your walking together.

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