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Hi there,


I'm a reasonably handsome, confident dude, but there's been something on my mind that's kinda killing my confidence and bringing me down a bit. It's recently been bothering me more, maybe because I'm coming off a break-up, or maybe because I'm just getting older (nigh 21)...


My problem is that my one humerus (upper arm bone) is about 1.5 inches shorter than the other, b/c I damaged the growth plate a few years back. I notice it, because it's really my only source of insecurity, but I'm not sure how noticeable it is to the rest of the world, because i've only been asked about it once. So either they don't notice, don't care, or are too embarrassed to ask... and I never bring it up either.


I can get the discrepancy corrected, but the process seems pretty horrendous.


Other than worrying about seeming freaky, (even though i have lots of friends, am in otherwise great shape, and have a pretty cool personality) it doesn't really bother me. But, I don't want to seem freaky either.


I'm really not sure what I'm looking to gain from this post, maybe just get it off my chest a bit and get a little peace of mind. So I guess just leave your thoughts... maybe a haiku, your telephone number, a joke, pictures of your hot family members...?



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I knew a friends brother that had a scissor shaped hand (like, two fingers) and although thats more severe that what you've got, girls found him irresistible. He was really nice and not bad looking. I don't think things like that notice when you really like someone, sounds cliche but it really is whats inside that counts. I know I wouldn't notice a guy with a slightly shorter arm, because ... well, people don't really check out arms do they? ^^

Don't worry about it.

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Don't sweat it ~ 1.5 inches is hardly noticeable. Nobody is perfectly symmetrical. It's common for one arm or leg to be a tad longer than the other, one foot to be a bit larger, etc. And unfortunately, people aren't super polite (lol) so if it was really obvious you'd have gotten more questions over the years.

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I had a friend who had the same thing happen to her due to an injury. It was in her leg and so it was more difficult for her to walk unless she was wearing a support in her shoe.


But sometimes she would forget to put in in if she was in a hurry or something. I never even noticed until she started complaining about not wearing it one day. (In fact, that's how I found out about it. Even though to her it felt like everyone could tell she was walking funny you really couldn't notice.)


My point is, our own faults are always ALWAYS more noticible to ourselves.


And I don't think it's freaky at all anyway.

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I know someone who was run over as a kid and had one arm completely smashed in two. Amongst all the other injuries, the doctors never even bothered to set the arm, the 90% skull fracture meant their life expectancy was being measured in hours only. Anyway, the person survived of course and now has a seriously bent arm. But they live with it and they cope. The strongest personalities are those that overcome the greatest adversity. I 'm sure that you too have the character to make the best of yourself.

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