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suffering from laziness, need help

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Hey lately I have been so lazy. I want to do quite a lot of useful things, but am too lazy and unmotivated to do them.


I want to find a 2nd job so I can make extra money. I want to play more guitar. I want to clean my room and house. I want to go exercise more.


But with all of this I feel too lazy. I often find myself sitting in front of this computer, surfing the web, downloading stuff, and chatting with my friends over IM all day.


Does anyone have any good advice to get out of this procrastination?

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Unplug your computer, pack it up in a box, and stick it in your closet for a while. Computers are tools, not homes.


I think it's great to be lazy. I can't stand overachievers. But if you're spending all of your time on the computer, well, that's a bit obsessive and unhealthy.

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If the computer is your example then it is definitely the problem, and not just because of that-- the computer/internet is a HUGE distraction and time zapper. You need to legitimately turn it off-- turn off your whole computer and just get up and start doing something else. Sometimes that's all it really takes.

And you'll want to do more things with a clean room/house because then you won't be feeling tied down to staying around with so much that needs to be taken care of.

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I have the same problem. This laptop is addictive. But I sometimes manage to pull myself away from it.


What helps me is if I make a list the night before of all the things I want to accomplish the next day. Then, I make sure I get up, eat something, and do everything immediately, with the promise to myself that I can surf the internet endlessly after I finish with my list. There is a study that shows when people write things down they are more likely to do them, and I think it's true. Give it a try, it can't hurt.

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On your next trip to a physician, mention your laziness (or as he or she may call it, "Lethargy.") You may be developing a thyroid problem. I've been there, had a thyroid condition, take meds now, all better.


He already checked for thyroid problem 2 years ago and I didn't have any problems. I've been like this for more than 2 years, but some time periods I'm more lazy then ever. I guess this is a time period where I just don't feel like getting off my butt and working on important things. It's winter break so that's made me really lazy too lol.

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