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I seem to breakdown everyday now at the same time about my ex..I dont know how to stop it guys..like I knew that things should have ended but I just feel hurt about how she turned rotten after a while and disrespected me and found interest in others while we still dated. this all haunts my mind and it seems like it will never stop. I keep distancing myself from talking to others..I just dont feel like it. and on top of that I just got kicked out of college for a year due to poor grade point average. I feel like I got no where to go and I dont know what to do people..I hope someone can please give me some advice..

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i know EXACTLY how you feel, i was in the same situation with my first ex. we dated for 5 years and were seriously looking into getting married. Then she broke it off and hooked up with one of my best friends


my advice, find something you are passionate about and immerse yourself in it. a lot of people take up running, i took up biking.


talk it out, it helps... I'm about 2 weeks into my latest breakup and yes i break down, not near as much now as the initial phase. but find someone you trust, someone to listen and just let everything out

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