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Worst thing they did - try to be funny

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I thought it might be fun to post some of the horror stories about what an evil ex might have done to you. This is the "healing" forum after all, so maybe a once sad but now somewhat funny story of mine can induce others to post some more.


I met my now ex in April 2003. We had 2 months of a courtship game that went up and down. After another 2 months of no contact we finally started a relationship in early September 2003. At the beginning of this relationship she gave me a handmade ceramic bowl. She said she made the bowl earlier in the summer at a local cafe/arts and crafts store. Being familiar with the store and understanding that she had feelings for me all summer I believed her. I kept this bowl in my bedroom for almost 2.5 years until she broke up with me earlier this year. When she broke up with me I spent $76 at UPS mailing her everything she had ever given me - I mean everything. This bowl was one of the items. After she broke up with me I found out she had been cheating on me with this unsuspecting guy for 10 months. I tracked him down via a lot of research and crazy obsession at that time and we talked for about a week. Here's the kicker. My ex broke up with me on Valentine's day this year. That's when I sent her all the stuff via UPS including the bowl. When I was talking to the guy she cheated on me with for so long he told me what she gave him for Valentine's Day. A handmade ceramic bowl - he described it's unique color - it was the same one she gave to me 2.5 years earlier that she said she made for me. When she gave it to him she said I made this for you. What happened is she went and got my big box of memories from our time together opened it up and saw that bowl. She apparently thought of how she hadn't bought anything for her bf for Valentine's Day and she delivered it to him that very day that it arrived at her house. I won't mention the fact that she was already cheating on him at the time and actually broke up with him about 2 weeks after this incident. The guy she started seeing before she split with both of us is now her fiance. I've got more.

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After years of being cheated on, I finally dumped my fiancee. She faked a pregnancy to try and get back with me. After 2 years of supporting her, protecting her, and putting up with her crazy bi-polarness, I finally got rid of that parasite. I look at it all and laugh. Now she is a parasite on the world and not draining any more of MY soul away. She's been with countless guys. Each one is only interested in one thing, and they take it from her and they move on. She can't function in real life. They quickly rob her of her self respect. Just like she took mine. I treated her with loyalty and compassion, and they use her for one purpose. And I love it. I find it funny. Each relationship she tries to start ends 2 weeks after it began. If life was poker, then I got dealt a pair of 2's when I met her. Karma dealt me a Royal flush. I'm sure no one else finds this funny, but I do. Maybe I'm crazy too.

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Count your losses you had a lucky escape and move on! This reminds me about my first boyfriend when i was 15 haha! He gave me a ring (diamond and sapphires, really nice but way too big) his older sister saw it and asked me what i was doing with it. I said your bro gave it me! She was gobsmacked and said but thats my moms ring!


I felt like a right pleb when i had to give it back to his mom!

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When I separated with my ex I had a suspicion that he was cheating on me.

One night he didn't come home. I kicked him out when he came back in the morning.

As he was walking out of the door he opened a box with an engagement ring in it. He said "This is what you are missing out on - I got this for you".

The next day I found pictures and e-mails and it turns out that he was cheating on me for sure. The kicker of the story is that he was already sleeping with this girl when he bought me the engagement ring. I will never know what the point of this ring was.

Good times...funny stuff.

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My ex of four years and I split up when I went to college. We had a clean break and I THOUGHT ended on a friendly level... Well, a month or so after being down at school, my mom calls me up absolutely LIVID... she heard I had acquired a crack addiction!!! The summer before school, I got arrested for an impaired driving (alcohol, NOT drugs!!!) and she basically lost any trust and respect for me so naturally she believed whoever told her...


I managed to trace the rumor back to the place I worked with my ex. Apparently, he had been telling everyone that I was heavy into the drugs and had begun smoking crack (nice, huh? I don't even know what crack looks like). Told my old bosses, other friends from work, other employees (one of whom happens to be friends with a friend of my mother's...small town).


I called my ex up and he OPENLY admitted to spreading those rumors. Why? He thought it'd be funny to see what people would say. He didn't think they'd take him seriously!!!!!!

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Count your losses you had a lucky escape and move on! This reminds me about my first boyfriend when i was 15 haha! He gave me a ring (diamond and sapphires, really nice but way too big) his older sister saw it and asked me what i was doing with it. I said your bro gave it me! She was gobsmacked and said but thats my moms ring!


I felt like a right pleb when i had to give it back to his mom!


oh....my.....god!!!!!! I would've been mortified when confronted by his sister!!! What'd the guy have to say about it?

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My ex proposed to me this past July. He helped me start planning the wedding, we bought rings, told everyone we knew the whole bit. he gave me a huge diamond, I thought things were perfect. We got into a bit of a fight because he was insistent about going home to see his father one weekend. I was upset because he was going to be going there the very next week on vacation. He went anyway and then didn't call me or come over like he said he would when he was supposed to be home. I freaked out for almost two days thinking he was dead. When he did call he said that our fight had scared him and he wanted to postpone the wedding. He also said he wanted his vacation to "be alone" but promised me that we were going to be fine and that he still wanted to marry me. Two days after he came home from vacation he came over, we went out to eat and even went to the jewelry store and told the girl he bought the ring from the proposal story. We went home and he broke up with me. Three days later I came over to his house in the morning when normally he would still have been asleep and he came walking out with another girl. I found out from him (and some others) that this girl is from his hometown. He started talking to her while on his vacation. Even after the breakup he assured me that I was still the one he wanted to marry, he just needed some time and space and wanted to get some therapy. I guess she's a therapist, because he's pretty much living with her now and I haven't heard from him since. Our engagement lasted right at a month.

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Wow, these are good.


Here's another that just made no sense to lie about.


My ex said she was riding down a very busy stretch of highway when she saw a puppy on the side of the road. Now this highway is two four lanes in each direction making a total of 8 lanes. She said she saw the dog and had to help it so she pulled over and parked her truck. She then ran/dodged traffic and picked up the dog. After that she took the dog to the nearest Petsmart and while inside finding it some food she came accross an old man on a handicapped scooter (you know the kind) the man complemented her dog and she said here you go sir. The man was thrilled with his new pet.


Every now and then she would tell me a story like this and I would fall for it. She would make up lies for no reason. There were others, but this is one I can't believe she even had the time to create. When you love someone, you'll believe anything.

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