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I was naughty... Broke NC after weeks of hard work but all i did was to wish him and his family a Merry Christmas.


His reply though totally messed me up "Not having a fab day. Been missing you so much and I wish things had gone differently this last year. Feel ike I've missed the chance to be happy and everything else is just making do"



I haven't responded.... yet... or maybe I shouldn't? ... I mean, he is the one who didn't want to commit and opted out of the relationship....


Confused any advice please???

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It's normal to miss someone after a break up, even if you are the one doing the breaking up.


The thing you have to think about is why you broke up. Is it for the better? Does something need to change before trying again?


Usually when you break up it means that something isn't right and something needs to change in order for it to work the next time around. Before jumping into what could happen and what his response is supposed to mean, figure out what it is that needs to change.


For now, I wouldn't reply back. You contacted him to wish him a Merry Christmas, not to talk about the relationship. I wouldn't get deeper into it at this point. When he really wants you back, he'll come find you.

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well he's starting to open the lines of communication. if both of u still are willing to work things out then give it another SLOW try. make sure u both lay it all out on the table. what u want and nothing less than that.


my ex has been ignoring me for 4 months. i wante dto text him wishing him happy holidays but the last attempt for a friendship didnt even get a response so decided to leave it at that.


dont throw away a chance because it could work. this may be the reason y u broke up so that u guys can be better in the realtionship. just make sure u take it real slow and talk more about where u guys went wrong and where u wanna go from there.

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