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Girl at work I want to date.

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There's a girl at work that I would like to get to know. She's short, sweet, cute and blonde. As a stockboy, however, it's hard to get close to her and talk to her as she is a cosmetician. How can I tactfully get to know her better.


Right now we talk in passing but we haven't really spoken at great length about anything. How can I get to know her a lot better and how can I do it in a way that doesn't make me look desperate or lecherous?

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I'd say run. Run now and run fast.


Work related romances rarely work out. I'm not saying there is no hope; of course not. But what if things don't work out? You'll have to see this woman every day, and I highly doubt you'd want to quit a job just because she is there. It could become VERY awkward.


I'm not being pessimistic. This is a very real possibility.

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