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Ugh so upset..

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Not really sure what sparked it, was listening to the radio, and that Seether song came on "Broken". Man, how sad is that song. Talk about hitting the nail on the head.. Been 7 weeks NC.. she called last friday, I missed the call and didn't call back.. left no voicemail..


Just burst out into tears and was looking at some old photos.. ugh.. it still hurts so bad.. Was 4 years with her.. Just needed to post.. How does a love so strong.. die...

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Strong loves die all the time. Sometimes, later on, we can look back and see how love turned into simple attraction and that was it.


We can see how there were times when it wasn't so good. We can probably see times when we saw "this" coming.


I am sure that if you think about it, you can come up with something. I have been reading her old texts and wondering how one goes from really wanting to be with you, to nothing.


Ya know, you have to stop going through the pics and I have to stop reading the texts.

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Delete what you have control over in your life of your ex.. It sounds terrible to think of it that way, but it's the harsh reality. Regardless of the outcome after, it's always a new start...


You have complete control over how much, "ex" you take in.. Make it hard once, get rid of it, and make everytime after that easier and easier when you erase what you can.. Take the temptation away and you won't commit so to speak..



Start there, and see how you feel. Be honest about it too.. It takes time, sometimes less than you think, and something more than you can imagine, but one thing IS certain. That at the end of the day, when you lay your head down on the pillow, and close your eyes.. each day that passes, the vision of your ex's that you continue to visit in the dark, fade to nothing, and you'll known when your okay..

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I know what you mean...Think about it this way...


at least you were in love and had someone in love with you in return...


I havn't had that very many times and the times they supposabley did, we broke up, the relationship would end, or something worse!!...


Good luck with your healing...Keep busy

do everything you like to do, pick up some new hotties...I mean

anything like basketball, go to the gym and mingle a little there...

Hanging out with friends and family can help as well

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Well, I agree w/ the "making new memories" part ...

Smiles21, I hear ya; drat to those "songs" that dredge up the memories

This is a bit drastic, but at one point, I even stopped listening to the radio and my Ipod.


Easier said than done, I know, but stay away, for now, from ANYTHING that may set you back, be it songs, photos, emails, favorite hangouts ...


Not forever, of course, but until your heart's healed enough to enjoy them again...


Take care and hope you feel better soon.


Sending best wishes your way,


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Hey man, I am 24 and have gone through several bad breakups. The first 2 were the worst, by far. I would wake up crying, go to bed crying, couldnt eat, couldnt sleep, I was taking antidepressants, drinking way too much, and I even turned to drugs. I was on a path to self-destruction for a while.


When I found out my second girlfriend was a prostitute it utterly crushed me, everything I thought was reality came crashing down. There was about 4 months of very self-destructive behavior, and I was borderline harassing her with phone calls, wanting to know why she did this and that, and so on.


These were really bad times for me, but I forced myself to get out there and just have fun with friends, and simply try to talk with other girls. Eventually, once I met another girl, the bulk of my sorrow faded. I grieved for months, but when I was ready to take the next step I did.


Now I find myself in a similar situation. Although the girl I was seeing was only for a few months, I was falling in love and she was so compatible with me I could not believe it. Everything was right, but over the past few weeks it fell apart and there was pressure and stress within the relationship. She just gave up without even trying to fix the problems. I find a lot of girls to be this way.


So we broke up tonight. I cried. I feel like crap, I am alone, my faith in love has been weakened. And this is all just before Christmas and New Years.


So what can we do? For me I say get out there and try to talk with someone new as soon as possible. Even if you cant find a date, talking with new people seems to help clear your mind. I also agree with the other posters, but I don’t delete or burn things. I make a folder deep in my computer and hide all the pictures away. I sometimes go back and look at old girlfriends, because you once did love them and I feel you shouldn’t throw away good memories, although they may hurt you now.


I am going to find a date as soon as I can, and forget about this latest girl. Its so hard, but I would rather put myself in a difficult situation in finding someone new than to waste more time grieving over something I no longer have any control over. Good luck to you, I am right there with ya. I know how you feel, and it does get better.

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