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I feel so angry. I don't know what to do about it. I cannot release it and I cannot live with it. Now I find myself searching for new ways to turn my hurt and rage inside into physcal pain. If the pain I felt were real, then it would hurt and then go away. Instead it burns inside of me, flaring up occasionally making my eyes burn with the tears I hold in. Does anyone know how I can make it hurt? And then release that anger? I'm not a cutter. I can't use alcohol, drugs, or nicotine as I am an addict in recovery. I need a way to cope that no one has told me about yet. I want to feel the pain so I know it is real.

I've told a therapist who didn't let me talk about it. I've told a friend in recovery and he told me to rely on my Higher Power (God).

I need something REAL to feel the pain and make it go away. I've broken bones before and that is the only solution I know.


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If you've "broken bones" before, then why do you think it makes "pain" go away, because as you've stated your still in pain... so it's not going to be resooved by self inflicted injury... that "physical release" may "seem" like a solution, but it is not, and it only causes so much more physical and emotional damage. I'm so sorry you are hurting so much, where are you in your life? Are you in school? Married? Living at home?


If you're in recovery from addiction then you know how powerful you already are to overcome so many things.. so take a moment, breathe.. and ask yourself what do you find beautiful?


Is there something you take the time to be in awe of? Like a sunset? Have you ever meditated or done any yoga... trust me "yoga is painful, but it's also healing in a healthy way".

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In all honesty, I do actually feel better when I hurt myself.

I am a spiritual person. But my Higher Power, meditation, prayer, only lead me back to my anger. I pray for those that make me angry. I pray for the anger to be released. I pray for my Higher Power's will to be done. I turn over my problems and life to my Higher Power. But still the fire burns.

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okay, so can you perhaps "try" a different way to challenge yourself physically in a more productive way so you may "grow and heal and feel some release from the pain in a healthy way?" Would you consider "yoga"... it's a very physically challenging, pain releasing, healing choice... would you consider this choice for your precious body and soul?

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The anger? Yes, it's powerful, and when we give it power it grows...I'm so sorry you are in this "anger whirlwind" it can be very debilitating, yoga has been used for years in dealing with "anger issues". Is the anger over one particular event in your life?

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i think the real question is WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF YOUR ANGER? I think if you can honestly answer THAT question for yourself, then you will be one step closer to living without it. Anger is like a cancer, it will take over your whole body....GET RID OF IT!! YOU DON'T NEED IT!! Have you tried running? If you're out of shape, then I can't even begin to tell you how painful it'll be when you first get out there.(that pain will soon be replaced by this euphoric feeling though, when you really get into it) Imagine yourself running away from the things/people/issues that make you angry...

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Well I would encourage you to use other ways to release your anger. Turn it outward instead of turning it inward and trying to hurt yourself.


The ice cube technique mentioned by DN is a substitute for people who are actually cutting - but fortunately you haven't gone down that road yet.


I would encourage you to use physical exercise as the way to release your anger. Go to the gym and do a very strenuous workout. Get those muscles working hard and put your anger energy into. Find a gym with a heavy bag and hit it until you just can't hit it anymore. Take a martial arts course and learn to focus your energies.


I commend you for your recovery from addiction. You just need to find other methods of handling your stresses without resorting to abuse of alcohol, drugs, or yourself.

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