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Are MOST men Minute Men?

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thanks, yea I know all about that stuff, i used to be a gung ho'er in the gym (first time i have used that term) so i know to go slow... the motivation to go is just getting back to me (i am 3 weeks off the meds) so i am still having withdrawl symptoms but I am getting there......


I bring this up because over the years, I have hurt myself more times than I would like to admit. In fact, I hurt my butt muscle today running for 4 consecutive days on the treadmill. Now I have to take 3 days off. UGH!!!

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I bring this up because over the years, I have hurt myself more times than I would like to admit. In fact, I hurt my butt muscle today running for 4 consecutive days on the treadmill. Now I have to take 3 days off. UGH!!!



I'm sorry to laught but the butt muscle has me tickled. Its happened to me too....


Tired man..to be honest with you...i've felt that my husband has ALWAYS had something on the side. I just have never proved it. I don't know what taletell signs there are...but just earlier this week, I caught him in the car late night with the doors locked. I walked up to him and asked him to let me in (it was -20) he put the phone down, rolled the window down and said "what"..i said "who's that" he said its my brother" but i felt it was not.

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I'm sorry to laught but the butt muscle has me tickled. Its happened to me too....


Tired man..to be honest with you...i've felt that my husband has ALWAYS had something on the side. I just have never proved it. I don't know what taletell signs there are...but just earlier this week, I caught him in the car late night with the doors locked. I walked up to him and asked him to let me in (it was -20) he put the phone down, rolled the window down and said "what"..i said "who's that" he said its my brother" but i felt it was not.


oh yea, that was one too -- SHE would call him instead of me ------ it was a friend!! I was so DUMB!!


I will get off work at 4 so i will be offline for a while - maybe until tomorrow.

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he didn't care if we slept in the same bed


he didn't really care what I did anymore..


the sex kind of just "stopped' but i thought it was because of our child.


He didn't even care for well ...... our "crazy sex life" anymore ---- and it was all his idea in the first place!!!



Judging by what you said....i'm more than certain he is playing...

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he didn't care if we slept in the same bed


he didn't really care what I did anymore..


the sex kind of just "stopped' but i thought it was because of our child.


He didn't even care for well ...... our "crazy sex life" anymore ---- and it was all his idea in the first place!!!


He just kind of "wasnt there' -- i think i knew,, maybe just didn't want to know ........

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Judging by what you said....i'm more than certain he is playing...


but don't "accuse" -- just be sharp --- ya never know ---- and, that was just my case.....


I will tell ya this though, he wanted to be mad at me for things i didn't even do, he wouldn't ask me anything anymore - he just assumed - i think that was to get over his guilt!!

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I'm sorry to laught but the butt muscle has me tickled. Its happened to me too....


Tired man..to be honest with you...i've felt that my husband has ALWAYS had something on the side. I just have never proved it. I don't know what taletell signs there are...but just earlier this week, I caught him in the car late night with the doors locked. I walked up to him and asked him to let me in (it was -20) he put the phone down, rolled the window down and said "what"..i said "who's that" he said its my brother" but i felt it was not.


Well it's not really the butt. The part above it. Lower lower lower back. It's from running I know. Just icing which sucks. My butt cheeks are COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, are you sure about this or could this be you putting together things because of own insecurities or something? I'm not judging but I believe if someone thinks something, "proof" will always fit or be twisted to fit. I'm not there so I can't tell though I do know of some signs, I don't know his. He may have been talking to his brother or some girl, no way to really know. But I DO know if I"m him and I"m not cheating and someone I'm with asks me "who's that" it would build resentment on my part.

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I have not come out and accused him of cheating. I did however, tell him that I feel he is not with me anymore, and that he is not in love with me.


It's kind of the same thing though. And when you went out and asked him "who is that?" it does come off as accusatory. At least it does read that way here lol.


It's tough to say as I don't know all the details of the relationship and this situation.

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foreplay a bit even tho men dont really like it, and the longer us men dont have sex, the shorter we are in bed


Huh?? Speak for yourself, foreplay is an essential part of lovemaking. A good cuddle and makeout session or non selfish massage is part of foreplay.



After reading the many really selfish replies I now know why women make such a fuss over me after 40+ minutes on avg. of intercourse and I wont even get into foreplay etc. time.


Try switching positions every 10-15 mins. or so, the slight break makes you last longer and when you do finish you'll know what Steve Guttenberg would have went through in the pool scene in Cocoun. Geez guys, instead of just using her to get your rocks off, try making love and her attitude is going to get so much better.



I always thought women were joking about me writing a book on this subject but I really do need to start writing it.....

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It's kind of the same thing though. And when you went out and asked him "who is that?" it does come off as accusatory. At least it does read that way here lol.


It's tough to say as I don't know all the details of the relationship and this situation.


You really think that asking who he was talking to is "accusing" or come off that way? Im not being rude, it is just kind of interesting that you would think that. I have got off the phone with a friend and my DH asked me who it was and I never thought ANYTHING of it...... AND if I was sitting in the car with the windows up and he were to ask me, i would think more something was wrong if he DIDN"T ask me ........

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You really think that asking who he was talking to is "accusing" or come off that way? Im not being rude, it is just kind of interesting that you would think that. I have got off the phone with a friend and my DH asked me who it was and I never thought ANYTHING of it...... AND if I was sitting in the car with the windows up and he were to ask me, i would think more something was wrong if he DIDN"T ask me ........


If someone goes out of their way, then yes I do think it is kind of accusatory and/or showing the person is self conscious. Tone has a lot to do with it as well. Adding the questions to her walking out to the car AND the stuff she has said to him, I'm sure it came off that way. It would for me.

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well it depends how long it has been since I got some. If I get it every day I usually last a good 15-20 minutes but if it has been a while (say 2 days) I will usually last 2-5 minutes


Thats why I usually do foreplay (eat out, play around,tease) and make my girl come before I finish my business. I feel like I take advantage of the girl if she isnt satisfied.


EDIT: Sorry - I replied to the original thread but it appears to have migrated. Here's my answer to your first question. I've got a little reading to do to get caught up though. Sorry about that....


I agree fully with the above statements, but there's another factor going unsaid... just as every guy feels different, so do different girls. Maybe you and your guy just fit in such a way that makes him sensitive and he can't hold it back.


Here's another thought - if he has already come once... try to play around a bit and get him back in the mood. The 2nd time round always lasts longer than the first time around. Also try different times during the day - I can go an hour in the morning and not come at all but make it in just 10-15 mins in the afternoon.


Try different positions. He feels different when he's on top vs behind you vs when your legs are up vs when down .... so you'll feel different to him too. Maybe he can hold out longer in certain positions. Try to slow him down or maybe not let him be so rough - anything might work. Talk to him or touch him while you're having sex ... it might help with stimulation elsewhere.


I can generally hold out for quite a while, but it hasn't always been this way. If I come and my gf hasn't, I'll stick around as long as it takes to make sure she gets what she needs though. That alone normally gets me turned on enough to get going again if she wants it.

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Wow.. i must be fortunate because I've not met too many minute men.

The last bf i had we could go easily 30-40 minutes without him coming, depending on time of the day. Mornings it always seem you come quicker, I know I do.

The guy I'm seeing now.. geez.. it seems the last time we had sex he went for at least 30 minutes! Course he likes to change positions alot too,

Maybe the repetitive action of only one type of movement makes him come early.

You know, if you don't want to use desensitiving creams, you could try checking out a book on Tantric Sex. I think the guy who could last for over a hour was into that. He had amazing control.. honestly.

That would something you could learn together too and it might bring you closer in spirit too.

I too, don't like the latex condoms. They seem to dry me out.. I'm fine without a condom and don't need any lube then but I think I am allergic or something to latex anyway.

Has anyone tried the lambskin condoms and did you like them? Seems like something natural like this would be less irritating and less drying.

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Interesting discussion. IMHO the guy can last exactly as long as he wants to last! It all depends on his feelings for his partner. If making sure she comes first is a priority for him, he'll last as long as he needs to. By slowing down, changing positions, pulling out, fondling her, giving her oral sex......


Once my partner has come....at least once....(maybe 30-40 mins at this stage) then I feel it's OK for me to come...........and that then usually happens in about 30 secs flat!

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Once my partner has come....at least once....(maybe 30-40 mins at this stage) then I feel it's OK for me to come...........and that then usually happens in about 30 secs flat!


My boyfriend is pretty much like that. He waits for me, usually by changing the rhythm. He'll wait until I give him the ok and we usually orgasm simultaneously, which is a lot of fun. If we've been having sex often he takes a bit longer to get off with penetration, usually he'll pull out and manually orgasm on me somewhere


However, I tend to be a bit of a minute woman (10 minutes is more than enough) 30 minutes of just penetration sex is ok I guess, anymore and it's just boring. The best times I've ever had were when we would have sex, both orgasm, and have sex again 5 minutes later and so on. My boyfriend and I would do this all night when we first got together, doesn't happen much anymore! That's ok though, those nights usually led to having very sore areas the next day. I can't imagine having actual non-stop sex for hours though, I'm not that fit!


One thing I do notice though is that when I'm giving oral sex to my boyfriend, if it's just a BJ for him, he will usually cum in about 2 minutes flat (from the moment my mouth touches him to climax) very fast, but in that case it's all about his pleasure and, well, who wants to go down on a guy for long anyways, neck cramps!!! So, I appreciate him being a minute man in that situation, makes me feel good about myself that I can pleasure him so well.


Since I've met my boyfriend I've begun to take the view that some couples are just not sexually compatible. It's a bit of a scary thing to think in this world where we are led to believe that if we just "work harder" at something, it will improve. I went from an unhappy and sexless relationship (with a guy who could literally get maybe 2 thrusts before he would cum if I was lucky!!), to a relationship where the sex is fulfilling and enjoyable and frequent and from what I know, my ex boyfriend no longer has his premature ejaculation problems with his new girlfriend. Just a thought.

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My boyfriend is pretty much like that. He waits

One thing I do notice though is that when I'm giving oral sex to my boyfriend, if it's just a BJ for him, he will usually cum in about 2 minutes flat (from the moment my mouth touches him to climax) very fast, but in that case it's all about his pleasure and, well, who wants to go down on a guy for long anyways, neck cramps!!!



LOL - i love that!! I wish my man would finish that fast, you must give really good blow jobs! - that way, i get to do what he wants and I dont have to do it that long!! lmao

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