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Opinions or advice please

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So today, after speding the night with my bf. We left and went our ways he told me was going straight home. Then five minutes later I called him and he said he was going to his friends house to get something for his glove box. and he doesnt even have one anymore cause his stereo is there. So i asked where he was going and he said it was closed so i asked again and he just said it was near by and i asked yeah but where until he finally told me the city. I didn't wanna ask what firend it was cause i could tell me was getting upset by me asking.


The thing is I've notice that the next day after we spend a night together the last couple of times he hasnt gone home and says hes going to his friends house for something. I find this very weird. First off he doesnt hang out with his friends because he lives far away from them. Or he never tells me he speaks to any of them. I've never met any of them. I don't even know any of their names. Except some that i know of because we used to work together.



I was very upset and began to cry. I feel like hes hiding something. I don't know if it would be cheating, but, it's making me think. Like, he couldve gone and smoked weed. Which I know the other day he said he wanted to do that.

Plus, yesterday, I called him and he said hold on one sec and hung up on me i called him back and he ignored my call. Then later he said he was talking to his mom. If that was the case why didn't he tell me that in the beginning. And he's been telling me his talking to his mom like when he doesnt answer. That's the same thing my ex would say. He would hang up on me and like say it was his mom and i found out it wasnt.


Am I just being like paranoid? I finding myself having trouble trusting him. Any opnions or advice would be really helpful and appreciated.

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I cant really tell you what to do here, you have to trust your own instincts. Trust is one of the main basis for a relationship, if you dont trust him your relationship is in big trouble. Ask yourself if you have more happy times than bad with him? If the bad outweigh the good, i'd move on.

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I admit that it does sound a little strange -- especially the fact that you don't even know anything about his friends.


How long have you guys been together? Are you happy with the relationship for the most part? Do you feel comfortable in this relationship overall, aside from these issues? Even if you do right now, keep in mind that things might easily escalate from him using his mom as an excuse to the point where the relationship is no longer worth hanging on to.

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I would just confront him with what he is doing, either he has no idea how shady it looks, or hes up to something. If he cannot come up with a good solid, believable story (one that isnt like swiss cheese.. full of holes) then you have to realize hes up to no good. Just let him know that you are not an idiot, and you wont put up with the bs. Something, is definitely going on... just gotta find out what.

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I would just confront him with what he is doing, either he has no idea how shady it looks, or hes up to something. If he cannot come up with a good solid, believable story (one that isnt like swiss cheese.. full of holes) then you have to realize hes up to no good. Just let him know that you are not an idiot, and you wont put up with the bs. Something, is definitely going on... just gotta find out what.


Agree, something is definitely up, but the only one who knows what this is is him.


Do you ask him about his friends?

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Agree, something is definitely up, but the only one who knows what this is is him.


Do you ask him about his friends?


I did ask him who he went to see. and He told me this one name ive heard before. Then i asked him why havent. I met any of his friends and he said well, because he doesnt hang out with them. Because, they live in different cities and they all have gf and do their own thing.



WHat you said, about hidding something only he would know. That's is more than true. Because, if he would lie or cheat i know for a fact he wouldnt be stupid about it. To cheat it would be with someone no one knows and like somewhere that no one of us lives or anything.

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I admit that it does sound a little strange -- especially the fact that you don't even know anything about his friends.


How long have you guys been together? Are you happy with the relationship for the most part? Do you feel comfortable in this relationship overall, aside from these issues? Even if you do right now, keep in mind that things might easily escalate from him using his mom as an excuse to the point where the relationship is no longer worth hanging on to.


Well its 3 months and I met his parents for thanksgiving already. So I am very happy. I just would like to know who he talks to. One night we were having dinner and someone called him and I asked who it was. and he said it was a co worker. Why would a 30 year old man be calling him at 8 o clock on a friday night, whos married with kids?



I don't think so.

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