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Where are the.........????

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......Good woman????


I just got home from a night on the town and thought I would share my observations.


I went out in the city with 4 good looking guys. 2 of the guys are 6'4" and very handsome. I am not that tall my self but feel like I am just as good looking as them (I am 5'10"). Anyhow, we went to 4 different bars looking to meet some woman and get to know some of them. Honestly we weren't out on the prowl to get laid, but just to talk to some of them and have a good night out.


Out of 4 bars we probably only got to talking to about 3 woman all together. All the other woman acted disinterested. After tonight, I feel like the bar is NOT a good place to meet people you do not know. Honestly the only time I have ever dated from a bar I had known from meeting her before. But yet why do so many people go to the bar/club to "attempt" to meet people?? It boggles my mind.


I know myself and the other guys are a real catch. We have very outgoing personalities, are handsome, plenty of $, in our early 20's yet we couldn't find a single prospective woman between all of us.


Woman, where should I be looking for you and how do you want to be approached???? Please help me. I am tired of wasting my money at the bars.

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What kind of woman are you looking for? Are you sure of what it is you want?


Yes I am very sure of what I want. 5'-5'6" any race


I want a cute and intelligent lady (need not to be super hot) that is fun and outgoing. Someone that is confident in herself, yet lets the man lead. A girl with a possible future and someone that I can take home to my family.


A working professional would be ideal, but I would accept a woman that wants to stay home and take care of the family.


{but all of that is being picky in my mind. I couldn't even meet a cute, boring, out of town/visiting girl tonight} I felt pathetic.

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I think that's a great description of what you're looking for...


And more than likely you are not going to meet her at a bar. If you raise your standards on where you could meet this lucky lady, than you'll have a better chance of meeting someone with high standards herself.


It may take time, but if you refocus your efforts who knows where it may lead.


Go to places where you truly enjoy going to and there may be a chance you will meet someone who has similar likes (places such as museums, coffee shops, church, etc.). The scary thing is that it can be difficult to find out if the person is single or not. The good thing about dating websites is that you know right off the bat these women are single. You'll probably be matched with a wide range of different woman. Perhaps too wide of a range, but it is more than likely these women are looking for more and are investing more time into meeting someone. That right there can be helpful since nowadays it's just so difficult to actually meet single people who are looking for a meaningful relationship, of whom you probably won't find at a bar.


Also, it's good to continually meet new people just to put yourself out there. I've been introduced to guys from friends and actually once from a woman I knew from church.

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Have you tried meeting women in other activities? You know, I take a lot of dance, yoga, and cooking classes and they are like, 90% women. You may want to find a topic that interests you and try that. And except for the yoga class, conversations can flow naturally in the cooking classes or the dance classes. But I definitely talk with my yoga classmates before and after class.


Maybe the women at the bars sense that "you are on the prowl" and they don't want to feel like you are just looking for any woman within those specifications (height, education, etc..). Women like to feel special, like you noticed something specifically about them - like you saw her great smile and dimples and just needed to go over and talk to her.

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I second the motion for classes. I've been taking classes through my local community centre and they have all been 90-100% women! Yoga, kickboxing, cooking, art classes... Try going to your community centre or city hall and picking up a list of classes and see if any interest you. The ones outside of work hours for adults generally seem to have a lot of women 20-40 (older women tend to go on the weekend or during the day it seems).

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Classes are the way to go.


I joined an acting class and met a couple of women there that actually ended up wanting to go out. Everyone ended up too busy though, with me getting ready for the new job, them being single moms and all...


I did get invited out though and actually like one of them. Too bad I am moving. Anyway, a class is an awesome place to meet someone. Plus, in an acting class, you can be as goofy or real as you want to be.

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Bars are filled with men and few women. Those that are there, that I've noticed, appeared to be on the loose side.


Try sports that involve a lot of women, if you like sports. Tennis and volleyball. Smart women like artsy events. Open the newspaper and find out what's going on in your town. Wine tasting, art shows, etc.


One of the keys is to network socially. Meet people that you have a lot in common with and it'll open you up to their friends. But definitely try to find the key to what women do in large numbers. You'll have your pick that way.

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Well, I live in the same city as you, and I can say that when I go out to the bars with my friends, it's just to have a good time out on the town with them. I've never tried nor ever met anyone that way. What has worked for me is having a wide social circle and going to my friends' parties, activities, etc. I've met a lot of interesting people that way.

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