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For starts this girl already has a bf so I respect that and not gonna do anything here,but just one of those curious thoughts here. would it be wrong or not for a 24 year old and 17?? which i'm 24 and the girl is 17. she's a girl from work,which i've gained a crush on but not gonna act on it just because she has a bf. she's a pretty cool girl. very friendly,nice,smart,has a good heart. type that i'd like

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when i was 17 i went out with my ex who was 22 and we lasted for 7 years and had 2 children together.


now im older and my current boyfriend is 7 years older and its not a problem at all. if anything i prefer an older man, he treats me so much better than previous younger guys i have dated.


i think the fact she already has a boyfriend makes her off limits though, so in the meantime why not look for someone who is single.

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age is just a number. to a certain extent of course. but 17 and 24 isn't the extent. i'm a 17 year old girl and like a guy who's 23. guys mature later than girls so older guys and younger girls works out. if you're compatible and like each other than the fact that you were born six years earlier isn't really relevant. of course don't do anything if you are unsure that she likes you back because she has a boyfriend.

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Yeah, it all depends on if it's legal... It isn't in Michigan but I dated a guy who was 24 when I was 17... we were together for four years. To an extent, I do believe age is just a number. Now when one person is, say, 13 and the other is, say, 24....that's a problem.

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Uh yeah. Stop trying to pick up on teens and find someone your own age. Remember- you're an adult. She's still a teenager. You're at different phases in your life. Remember basic everyday moral guidelines.


Uh yeah. I don't agree with you. So you're saying a 19 and 20 year old can't date just because one of them is a teenager? Great point. Not.

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And no it doesn't depend on if it's legal. Having a relationship with someone is never illegal. Having sexual encounters with a minor is illegal. But I'm sure that's not what you're looking for, right?


Bottom line: If the two of you are compatible, it's not wrong. And don't let anyone tell you different.

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Uh yeah. I don't agree with you. So you're saying a 19 and 20 year old can't date just because one of them is a teenager? Great point. Not.


Just because you don't agree with me, doesn't mean I'm going to recant my post or apologize for it.


And my post was geared towards illegality. If it's illegal in his state, then it's wrong. You can argue about that all you want, but if 17 is illegal in his state, then no, it's not okay for him to have a relationship with her. He should wait until she's 18.


If it's legal in his state, then he can do what he wants but I'd still somewhat balk at the idea. There's a difference between a 19/20 relationship and a 17/24 relationship. A 17 year old is still in high school. A 24 year old man is near to entering his mid 20's. My point was not that couples can't date if one is a teenager. If you read my post carefully, you would have seen that. My post said if one is a teenager and one is much older, at a different stage in their life, then yeah, they shouldn't date. There could be legal issues depending on the state he lives in and moral issues too. (As in, why date teen girls when you're a grown man of 24 and could find a equally grown woman?)

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And no it doesn't depend on if it's legal. Having a relationship with someone is never illegal. Having sexual encounters with a minor is illegal. But I'm sure that's not what you're looking for, right?


Bottom line: If the two of you are compatible, it's not wrong. And don't let anyone tell you different.


Yes, it does depend on if it's legal. Chances are a 24 year old isn't a virgin and isn't getting into a relationship for friendship only. Common sense, honey. I seriously doubt he would stick around waiting for the day she would turn 18 so they could engage in any sort of sexual encounter. If anything, he'd do it before then.


Sorry you don't agree with my opinion but I don't really care. Also sorry you seemingly take offense but again, I don't care. This site is made up of opinions, that's what we're all here for. Advice & opinions. And I gave my opinion. The OP and everyone else doesn't have to agree with me, but don't have to "flame" me either. If you can't handle it, put me on the ignore list, if they've got one.

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